On the phone, Huang Ying was confused when she heard Chen Jun's words.

He hurriedly raised his eyes and looked at the car outside, and asked Ayu.

"Mayor Chen in the car?"

Ayu shook her head, "No."

"If you hear it, close the door and put on your shoes."

After saying this, I also emphasized specifically, "He is not allowed to eat breakfast."

Huang Ying looked at the phone in her hand suspiciously, thinking of something, and hurriedly raised her head and looked at the top of her head.

Sure enough, I saw a small surveillance camera on the ceiling above.

Huang Ying was angry instantly, this bastard, perverted, even installed surveillance at home to monitor her.

He gritted his teeth and glared fiercely in the direction of the monitor.

Although I wanted to scold him right away, after all, Ayu was still here, so he still cared about his face and didn't say anything in front of Ayu.

He hung up the phone directly, but he pulled his neckline subconsciously.

She had already said that she would let Ayu in for breakfast, and it was hard for her to go back at this time.

Leaning to the side, he smiled and said, "Come in."

Before Ayu could speak, the phone in his pocket rang.

Busy stretched out his hand and swiped the answer button, and the voice of Mayor Chen gritted his teeth immediately came from the phone.

"Now immediately turn me around and leave there."

Mayor Chen's voice contained obvious anger, and Ayu was nervous in her heart, and responded with a busy and respectful voice, "Yes."

He looked up and was about to say hello to Huang Ying.

Mayor Chen's angry voice came again on the phone, "Don't look up or look at her."


Ayu hurriedly responded, and she secretly wiped a cold sweat in her heart.

He finally knows why Mayor Chen is angry now. He doesn't mean anything to Girl Huang at all, okay?

Moreover, everyone who was with Mayor Chen basically knew that Mayor Chen and Ms. Huang had a special relationship.

Not to mention Huang Ying is just a little girl in his eyes, and he doesn't have the guts to dig Mayor Chen's corner.

Unexpectedly, Mayor Chen, who has always been calm and dignified on weekdays, is so terrible to be jealous and has no sense at all.

He lowered his head busy, wishing to hang his head to the ground, and said to Huang Ying, "Miss Huang, thank you for your kindness, I have something to do, so I will leave.

After finishing speaking, I didn't dare to stay for more than a second. Like a rocket mounted on his heels, he flew around and ran to the outside car to pull the door, and drove the car away quickly with a hum.

It took no more than thirty seconds from when his voice fell to when the car left.

The speed was as if Huang Ying was a monster who wanted to eat people. Huang Ying stood at the door looking at the car exhaust fumes, froze for a moment, and finally reacted.

Angrily closed the door, put the lunch box in his hand in the dining room, immediately picked up the phone and called Chen Jun.

The phone was connected in almost seconds.

"Chen Jun, you installed surveillance at home to watch me, stinky rascal, perverted..."

Huang Ying was so embarrassed that she scolded all the curse words in her mind.

Of course, Miss Huang's irritation is also very strange.

Just think of when she is at home. Chen Jun can't restrain the shame and anger when Chen Jun puts all the unimaginatively picking feet and farting.

The whole person is bad!

Chen Jun on the other side of the phone did not refute, nor did she hang up the phone, and she rarely scolded her with a good temper.

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