Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2903: Confession (2)

Jiang Wanting and Lang Feng were standing there, talking about something, they were busy talking when they saw him coming.

Cautiously said hello, "Mayor Chen."

Chen Jun pursed her lips and watched her slowly speak, "Thank you for collecting the information about the college entrance examination paper exchange this time, and take out those photos at the end."

If it weren't for Jiang Wanting to take out the photos of the examination papers at the end, and the identification of Huang Ling and Huang Ying's handwriting collected before, this matter would probably have been delayed for a long time.

Huang Ying will definitely miss the time to apply for the exam.

Jiang Wanting squeezed her hand on her side tightly, her eyes drooping slightly, she suppressed the emotion in her eyes and bit her lip.

"Mayor Chen, you are welcome, I just did my own job."

Chen Jun looked at her with less icy eyes, "Anyway, this time I’m thankful to you. Regarding your position transfer, I will greet Minister Liang. You will not change your position when you go to Minister Liang’s position. For other things such as remuneration, the administrative department will tell you specifically."

Jiang Wanting has been trying his best to help this time, and he can't do too much. This is what he can only do for her now.

"Thank you Mayor Chen." Jiang Wanting replied with her eyes down.

After all, Chen Jun was thinking about this incident and didn't kick her out, as long as she was still in the city hall, it was enough for her!

Chen Jun nodded slightly, "If it's okay, go back first."

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the outside with Lang Feng.

After getting in the car, directly facing Langfeng Road, "Go to Xishan Villa first."

Lang Feng quietly looked back at him, and quickly said, "Miss Huang said that she is not at Li Shao's place. She has something to do, so she won't go back."

When the voice fell, I felt that the temperature in the car had dropped several degrees in an instant.

Chen Jun frowned. After today's trial, the Ming family was finally torn out of the dark.

Things seemed to be over, but the dispute between them and the Ming family had just begun.

In order to get away, who knows what the Ming family will do.

Huang Ying will inevitably be dragged down into crisis because of Huang Qichao.

A thin lip was pressed tightly, and he raised his hand from his pocket and took out the phone and dialed out.

After a ringing on the phone, he was hung up directly.

Chen Jun's expression became more gloomy in an instant, and she gritted her teeth. This little girl is really going to the other side.

Disobedience stayed with Mo Li, and even if he was running around, he even dared to hang up his phone!

The point is, before she hung up, she had already answered Langfeng's call and chatted with him, telling him not to come back! ! !

Chen Jun looked at the bright wind in the front driver's seat, but felt that it was even more unpleasant.

Lang Feng at the front only felt that he was about to be stared out of a hole behind him, and he couldn't help but tremble.

My God, the jealous Mayor Chen is terrible! ! !

Chen Jun gritted his teeth and said an address to Lang Feng.

This little girl, if she doesn't fight for three days, she's going to go to the house.

"ten minutes."

Lang Feng almost didn't vomit blood, quickly stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel and drove towards that address.

Chen Jun clicked on the text message and quickly typed a word with his finger and sent it out.

the other side.

Huang Yingzheng and Yang Xiaoqing were lying on the sofa watching TV, when the mobile phone on the table next to them rang.

Reached out and took it over and looked at it. It was a text message from Chen Jun.

Posing his lips, just about to put the phone back, after thinking about it, he opened the screen and glanced at it.

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