Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2910: who are you?

Many high school third-year candidates have been discussing this with scholars.

At the same time, Huang Ying finally surfaced in this fierce debate.

Before Chen Jun was framed because of her, many people used to scold her, but now they shut up.

Someone slapped Huang Ying as sacred, so that Chen Jun could investigate the college entrance examination for her personally, and would be willing to carry the scapegoat for her.

Naturally, there is everything on the Internet.

Some say that she was wronged, and some people say for sure that she and Mayor Chen must have that kind of relationship, otherwise, how could Mayor Chen be willing to do this for her.

Someone immediately retorted, saying that Chen Jun was a good mayor.

A group of people are noisy online.

Huang Ying curled her lips. In the past few days, she had been scolded a lot, and she wouldn't feel much after seeing this again.

Chen Jun has always done a good job of protecting Huang Ying. From the beginning to now, there is no news about Huang Ying on the Internet.

Therefore, she does not have to worry about being caught by human beings.

In addition, there is corruption and bribery.

Huang Qichao's embezzlement of a huge sum of 80 million yuan during his four years in power naturally aroused greater public concern.

With the launch of Huang Qichao's investigation, more project corruption problems have been involved behind him, far more than 80 million.

The news headline stated that Jingcheng was shocked by the incident and had sent relevant personnel to S City to supervise the investigation.

Huang Ying shrugged. No wonder Chen Jun has been busy these days and has not had time to go home. He must deal with the old foxes from Beijing every day in the city hall.

I leisurely watched the news on the phone, reached out to the table to grab something to eat, but all the bags were empty.

Putting his lips down, Chen Jun, that bastard, couldn't tell she was running around.

My family is going to run out of food soon, and I won't come back.

Is this trying to starve her to death?

Someone subconsciously ignores the takeaway delivered directly to the home every morning, noon and evening.

Just about to call Chen Jun with his cell phone, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Huang Ying's eyes lit up for a moment. Is that **** Chen Jun finally back?

After snorting, he immediately jumped up from the sofa and ran to open the door.

She didn't even realize that she was in a happy mood at the moment, and even her footsteps became cheerful.

I ran to the door barefoot, covered my mouth and coughed, then stretched out my hand to open the door, "If you come back two days later, you will see me starved to death..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw two men in black standing at the door with **** sunglasses on their faces.

Huang Ying immediately took a step back vigilantly, "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

The two men in black were expressionless and said coldly, "Miss Huang, come with us."

Huang Ying subconsciously raised the alarm bell in her heart, and hurriedly raised her hand to close the door.

The two men in black outside were swift and quick, reaching out and blocking the door she was about to close.

"Go away, if you don't go, I'm going to call the police."

Huang Ying yelled, while desperately squeezing the door in the house, trying to close it.

"I really want to call the police!"

It's just that even if she used the strength of breastfeeding, it was not worth mentioning in front of these two people.

But in a few seconds, the door of the room was pushed open by the two.

Upon seeing this, Huang Ying started to run upstairs.

When running past the table in the living room, he hurriedly turned back and reached out and grabbed the phone on the table.

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