Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2920: I don't want to leave (2)

If this is to change the doctor of another hospital, they will definitely be scared of heart disease by their group of people.

In the ward.

Chen Jun sat down on the edge of the hospital bed, first looked at the drip, and then reached out and touched Huang Ying's forehead, the temperature was still hot.

Turned to the bathroom, took the wash basin, took the cold water, took the towel, and returned to the bed.

After twisting the towel in cold water, put it on her forehead.

After the temperature of the towel was gradually raised by her body temperature, she was twisted in cold water and put it on her again.

After changing several pots of cold water back and forth in this way, the temperature on Huang Ying's forehead finally gradually dropped as the effect of the medicine took effect.

Chen Jun raised his hand and touched it before finally exhaling.

As the temperature dropped, Huang Ying was dizzy and finally regained a trace of consciousness.

She seemed to feel the temperature of his hand cool and comfortable, and Huang Ying rubbed his forehead against the palm of his hand.

Chen Jun stroked her smooth forehead with fingers. This stupid girl made her stay at home and she could catch a cold and fever so severe.

Really stupid, just like this every day thinking about running away from him.

Her fingers couldn't help but pinched punishingly on her little face.

The little girl twisted her eyebrows aggrievedly, and raised her hand to push his hand away.

After touching his hand, he felt that the temperature was cold and very comfortable. The hand that was originally to be pushed away turned into a hug.

Holding his arms with both hands, his small face was buried forward in his cool palms.

She slapped her big small face, which happened to be completely wrapped by his big hand.

That compliant little appearance looks very well-behaved.

Chen Jun rubbed her fingers lightly on her cheeks. It would be nice if this little girl could be as well-behaved and obedient when she was awake.

Looking at the basin of water next to the bed, he pressed his hand slightly, trying to pull his hand out, and pour out the water in the bathroom.

In her sleep, the little girl clung to him tightly and refused to let go, and her smooth forehead wrinkled tightly with his movements.

Aggrieved choked, he said in a daze.

"do not go."

Chen Jun squinted. Could it be that this little girl has fallen in love with other men in the past few days when he was away?

That's why you moved away from him in such a hurry?

Gu Rui's information flashed through his mind. According to his previous investigations, Gu Rui and Huang Ying were childhood sweethearts and had a good relationship.

Only after Gu Rui went abroad, the two people separated.

Did Gu Rui take the opportunity to contact her when he was away?

Chen Jun's face sank, and he dared to steal a woman from him. Gu Rui was really impatient.

Is this girl trying to **** him off?

Squeezing her chin with her fingers slightly hard, "Who don't want anyone to leave?"

Huang Ying seemed to be pinched, her brows furrowed tighter, but a pair of small hands still clinging to his hands.

"Asshole... Asshole Chen Jun."

The corners of Chen Jun’s lips and forehead straight off the black line, this little girl is really...

No matter when, no matter what the situation, you dare not be sober, drunk or sick with fever, never forget to scold him.

Is his image in her mind that bad?

The little girl was holding his arm tightly, and she wouldn't let it go.

Chen Jun had no choice but to lie down beside her.

He has not been aggrieved every day by being scolded by others, but the little girl is aggrieved.

His brows were furrowed, a small mouth was deflated, and the expression on his face was extremely sad, as if he was about to cry.

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