Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2926: It's time to leave (1)

She didn't know how Chen Jun dealt with Huang Qichao's death.

A few days later, the court and other relevant departments issued an announcement.

Huang Qichao changed the college entrance examination papers, embezzled and accepted huge amounts of public funds, and worked with Zhao Fei to frame his ex-wife Long Xinyi and kill him in prison.

Sentenced to death for intentional homicide, executed today!

Zhao Fei was convicted of conspiracy and sentenced to death, which will be executed today!

So far, the Huang Qichao case that has shocked the whole country has finally come to an end.

All major newspapers and media across the country, including online media, are rushing to report.

Long Xinyi deliberately pushed Zhao Fei downstairs before, and the charges of wanting to murder her were also cleared.

The prosecutor in charge of Long Xinyi's case and related staff were all dealt with.

Huang Ying came to Long Xinyi's tombstone with a newspaper with all relevant case reports.

Facing the photo on the tombstone, he knelt down and said with red eyes.

"Mom, everything has been clarified, Huang Qichao and Zhao Fei have also been brought to justice, all the charges on you have been cleaned up, over there... over there..."

Huang Ying choked and couldn't say a word.

There was a little rain in the sky, as if we were crying for them.

Reached out and took out the lighter from his pocket, he wanted to light the newspaper and burn it for mom to read.

But the lighter in his hand was hit many times, but it couldn't hit anymore.

Why is she so stupid that she couldn't protect her mother before, but now she can't even light a lighter.

Large teardrops fell on the bluestone slab in front of the tombstone.

A slender hand stretched out from behind her and took the lighter and newspaper from her hand.

After a fist, the flame lit up and lit the newspaper with the big news headline.

The flames blazed in the rain, but after a short while, the newspaper turned into wisps of fly ash.

A tall figure knelt beside her shoulder to shoulder.

After three loud knocks, he spoke seriously to the tombstone.

"Auntie, don't worry, I will take care of Huang Ying in the future."

Huang Ying looked at Chen Jun's delicate face beside him, and listened to the serious words in his mouth.

Thinking of the words Jiang Wanting and Old Man Chen said to her.

But I couldn't help but feel sour and sad.

Turning his head, looking at Long Xinyi with a gentle smile on the tombstone, Huang Ying only felt his heart twisted, and the tears in his eyes fell again.

Chen Jun hugged her and whispered, "You still have me."

When Huang Ying heard this, her tears were even more turbulent.

All things have been resolved, and even Long Xinyi's grievances have been washed away.

She had no reason to stay with Chen Jun anymore.

Huang Ying knelt in front of the tombstone all afternoon, and Chen Jun knelt with her all afternoon.

When she finally left, Huang Ying's legs could hardly stand.

It was Chen Jun who carried her back to the car.

After returning home, the knees of her legs were red and swollen like two big steamed buns.

When I knocked on my forehead too hard, I also swelled a big bag.

His eyes were crying like two peaches, and he couldn't see at all.

Chen Jun rarely disliked her, put her on the sofa, brought hot water, and applied a towel to her personally.

Huang Ying sucked in pain.

Chen Jun only felt distressed, but this kind of thing is not easy to scold her.

After putting the hot towel on her knees, she went to the kitchen to boil a few eggs in white water and rolled her forehead.

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