Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2930: The best love is to let go (2)

He immediately took out his cell phone and called Huang Ying. After a few seconds, there was a voice saying that the call you made could not be reached.

Chen Jun's heart sank instantly.

Quickly went upstairs to Huang Ying's room, walked directly to the cabinet, and opened the door of the cabinet.

I saw that the originally messy, full cabinet was now empty.

But the suitcase he put away in the cabinet before was gone.

Chen Jun's face sank instantly, gritted his teeth, and punched the cabinet door.

This little girl is really going back.

I've been thinking about running before, and he hasn't settled accounts with her yet.

She dared to confess to him last night and ran away after sleeping with him! ! !

He Chen Jun is so sleepy.

Want to run? How could it be that easy.

Sure enough, he was too good to her before, so he should not feel sorry for her, and directly punish her severely.

Let her not get out of bed for a week, to see if she still has the strength to run.

When he catches her back, she will be dead!

He quickly turned around and walked downstairs while taking out his mobile phone and calling Lang Feng.

"Immediately block all the entrances and exits of City S for me. If you encounter Huang Ying, no matter what means you use, you will immediately catch me back.

Lang Feng looked messy in the wind on the phone, what's the situation?

A few minutes ago, didn’t Mayor Chen still be proud of him?

How can the style of painting change so quickly in just a few minutes?

Huang Ying, the little girl is gone?

Or while Mayor Chen is sleeping?

After realizing this fact, Lang Feng couldn't help taking a breath.

Seven years ago, Jiang Wanting left Mayor Chen because of the intervention of the Chen family. This journey lasted seven years.

After he followed Mayor Chen, he never saw Mayor Chen appear depressed because of this.

But since then, Mayor Chen has never looked for a girlfriend, and even rarely touches women.

After finally meeting a Huang Ying, Mayor Chen was finally moved.

If Huang Ying ran away again this time, he really couldn't imagine how Mayor Chen would be hurt.

Probably I will never find a woman again in my life, I will die alone!

"What is it? I will take someone to find it immediately." Chen Jun said angrily on the other side of the phone.

"Yes." Lang Feng responded hurriedly.

When Chen Jun was about to swipe the hang-up button, he couldn't help but added, "Don't hurt her."

After speaking, he hung up.

Turned on the stairs, went back to the study and turned on the computer. Using his identity, he immediately called the airport to check all the flight information and passenger information from last night to the present.

The airport was shocked when he received a call from Chen Jun, and he immediately cooperated.

After a burst of crackling inquiries, the airport staff replied tremblingly.

"Chen...Mayor Chen, did not find any information about Huang Ying's boarding."

"Check again."

Chen Jun said angrily.

After repeated inquiries at the airport for several times and there was no news, Chen Jun hung up the phone with a calm face.

After checking all the information about the bus station, train station, and taxi, there was no news.

There are only a few ways to leave S City.

Unless she left on foot, thinking that An Ziqi had walked away along the beach once before.

Chen Jun immediately entered the city monitoring system, checked all the monitoring, and called people to go to the beach to investigate.

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