Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2955: 99 first loves of tacit couples (10)

Because they had rushed all the way before, they had already pushed a road out of the ground, and when he returned, the driver was galloping desperately all the way under Xiao Moli's terrifying aura.

The three hours when I came, was shortened to one hour, and finally rushed back to the center of the city and rushed to the hospital.

Lin Man had already received a call on Xiao Moli's way back, and rushed to the hospital in advance to get everything ready.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, An Ziqi was rushed to the emergency room.

Xiao Moli's red eyes wanted to go in with him, and the doctor quickly said a lot.

No one except the patient is allowed to enter the emergency room.

Otherwise, if there is any accident, you will be responsible for the consequences.

Listening to the words conceited, Xiao Moli finally stopped outside the emergency room.

An Ziqi still doesn't know what the situation is, he dare not take the slightest risk.

Standing motionless outside the emergency room, looking up at the dazzling red light.

Although that exquisite face was expressionless at this moment, the deep sadness and pain that permeated his whole body made people couldn't help feeling sore and sad.

Lin Man turned his head, tears in his eyes fell instantly.

Covering your mouth, try to suppress yourself and not let yourself cry.

From the day she entered Huanyu to now, it has been thirteen years.

Huanyu's ability to get to where it is today is by no means smooth sailing.

She also followed the company with ups and downs.

However, no matter when, no matter what the circumstances, Xiao Moli will always be the omnipotent and fearless in front of people. As long as he is there, everyone in Huanyu can feel at ease.

But at this moment, the fragility, helplessness and sadness in him are so obvious.

It is obvious that everyone can clearly feel it, but it is not hidden at all.

She didn't know what happened to An Ziqi, but she could guess what Xiao Moli looked like now. It was definitely not a good thing.

Remorse, self-blame, guilt, haunt her all the time.

If possible, she would rather it be her who disappeared.

The light above the emergency room was always on.

Everyone was silently guarding the outside, quietly in the corridor.

There was a rush of footsteps, Lin Man raised his hand to wipe the tears from his face, and turned to look over.

I saw a tall, blond, blue-eyed man with blood on his face and a man rushing towards them with someone behind him.

Busy stepped forward and directly blocked the middle of the corridor, "This gentleman, you can't come here. Please leave here as soon as possible."

President Xiao is now on the verge of breaking out. If this person is here to find something, then he will definitely die miserably.

"I'm here to find someone, I'm waiting for Angel." Arthur said.

Hearing his voice, Xiao Moli turned angrily, stepped forward and raised his hand to grab his collar, then raised his hand with the other hand and slammed it towards him fiercely.

The gunshot wound on Arthur's arm that was hit by Xiao Moli had obviously been quickly and simply treated, and the bleeding was put on a bandage.

Xiao Moli's men did not show any mercy.

The corners of Arthur's lips spilled with blood instantly, coughing and speaking with difficulty, "Even if you beat him to death, it's useless, she has forgotten you a long time ago."

I have forgotten you a long time ago, which completely angered Xiao Moli.

With the other hand, he directly backhanded out a gun from behind and pointed it at his forehead.

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