Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2957: 99 first loves of tacit couples (12)

He was negligent, he was just busy with his own affairs. Knowing that An Ziqi had eye problems before, and knowing that there is the most snowy season here, he still let her come here alone.

Knowing that there was a heavy snowfall that day, knowing that she didn't understand anything, but forgot to remind her.

Some things flashed through my head quickly.

An Ziqi had forgotten what she had done in front of him several times. She had also joked that she had forgotten because she was old, but he only thought that she was too busy in filming and did not put them away. In the heart.

It was his carelessness that caused everything now.

Self-blame and pain almost knocked him down.

Arthur watched him continue to speak, "When I met her on the street, the blizzard was about to start. She was hit by pedestrians on the street and she fell into the snow, and her hands were trampled on. But beside her, there was no one to help her.

Even if she had forgotten everything in her head, she was always thinking about asking me to call her family, but at that time, she didn't even remember the phone number.

If I hadn't met her on the street at that time, she would have been frozen to death on the street. If it wasn't me who stopped at that time, but some other bad guy, what would happen to her? May be tortured and humiliated, and may..."

"Shut up, you shut up!"

Xiao Moli couldn't control it anymore, threw the gun in his hand, and after smashing it twice in Arthur's face, he squatted on the ground with his head in pain.

Before, he had thought about what happened to An Ziqi on the way back to the hotel countless times.

It’s just that no matter how you think about it, it’s not as shocking as Arthur personally described in front of him.

Just think of An Ziqi once being pushed down helplessly in the wind and snow, and think of the panic and fear in her heart after she forgot everything.

Thinking of her forcing her composure and asking others to call him, she didn't remember anything.

As long as he thinks of this, he can't wait to kill himself immediately.

At that time, she felt so helpless and terrified in her heart.

In the end, the person who should be killed most is not Arthur, but himself!

Linman next to him heard this, covering his mouth, and the tears in his eyes couldn't stop falling.

"Sorry, Shao Li, it's all my fault. You handed her to me because I just talked about work and didn't stay with her. It was all my fault, all my fault..."

Xiao Moli just silently looked at the red light above the emergency room in front of him. He didn't blame anyone, after all, it was his fault.

It was because he was unqualified to be a husband, and because he spent so little time with her that he didn't even notice that she was sick.

Arthur looked at their painful self-blame, knowing that their hearts must be bad at the moment.

Raising his hand to touch the blood on his forehead, he finally didn't speak again.

In the quiet corridor, everyone was silent, only the sound of Linman's tears falling to the ground.

The red light above the emergency room suddenly changed to green.

Then the door of the emergency room was opened.

Xiao Moli suddenly got up from the ground for the first time. He hadn't closed his eyes for twelve days, and he was already extremely exhausted both physically and mentally.

Suddenly got up, dizzy in front of him, his body staggered and almost fell.

However, he didn't care about anything, swayed, raised his leg and rushed towards the door quickly.

The doctor walked out of the emergency room with an extremely solemn expression on his face.

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