Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2971: Baby go out, one is the best (8)

An Ziqi was said by him, the sadness just disappeared instantly, she couldn't help but smile.

This little kid is really narcissistic!

Xiao Yining saw her smile, and continued smiling, "My mommy is An Ziqi, she is a superstar! She has acted in a lot of super good movies and TV. She is beautiful and cute, and she has a simple and kind personality. Like a little white rabbit.

To tell you secretly, everyone in our house is called Mommy Little White Rabbit in private, because she is so simple, so simple that whatever she thinks is written on her face, everyone can see it. "

"I have a younger sister, her name is Xiao Qian'ai, she is two years old this year. She is a little mischief. When she is at home with her mom, she can turn the house up alone, just like a boy. I have to follow her behind and clean up the mess that she made. Mommy always says to spank her when she gets tired, but she never bears it. Our whole family loves her very much, she is our little princess.

However, after Mommy disappeared, Xiao Ai was crying and making trouble every day, looking for Mommy, her eyes were swollen. When my sister called me the day before yesterday, she asked me for mommy. "

Xiao Yining quietly observed An Ziqi while talking.

Hearing him said that Xiao Ai's eyes were crying and swollen, An Ziqi's brows wrinkled visibly, and she was obviously distressed.

"Mummy, I'll listen to Xiao Ai's voice."

While talking, he reached out his hand and took the phone out of his pocket and opened the video.

In the video, there were a lot of crying tears and nose, and he was out of breath, "Grasshopper, I want numbness, I want numbness..."

Although An Ziqi couldn't see it, listening to this heart-piercing cry, she only felt that her heart was about to break.

Anxiously reached out to touch the phone in his hand.

Xiao Yining put the phone in her hand, An Ziqi rubbed the screen over and over again.

It seemed that as long as this was done, the tears on her face could be wiped away, and she could stop crying.

She wanted to tell her, don't cry, but the blank memory kept all the words in the roar, and couldn't say anything.

She couldn't even see Xiao Yining in front of her.

Seeing her really sad expression, Xiao Yining moved forward and retracted into her arms.

Seeing that she had no resistance, she had the courage to reach out and put her arm around her neck and kiss her on the cheek.

"Don't worry, Mommy, when you go back, Xiao Ai will be fine to see you. That little villain knew that we found Mommy, so he cried to me on purpose."

An Ziqi bit her lip, her hands tightly closed the soft body in her arms.

Xiao Yining quietly made a victory sign in his heart, then leaned in An Ziqi's arms with peace of mind, and continued.

"My grandma is the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. There are many, many literary works that are very popular. The works of Mommy who won the Oscars before were written by her.

In addition, grandma is also the secret princess of the royal family of E country. People are beautiful, strong, powerful, and super powerful. But grandma was very gentle except when she was very violent when she was facing grandpa and daddy.

Grandpa is most afraid of his wife. He listens to what grandma says on weekdays, and what grandma says is always a decree.

There is also Xiao Chen, he is a genius doctor, no matter what the disease, as long as he still breathes, it will definitely be no problem in his hands. "

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