Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2973: Ningning goes out, one is the best (10)

An Ziqi bit her lip, and her reason told her that Xiao Yining did not lie to her, and all of what he said was true.

But the large blank in her mind made her not know how to speak.

It's like a person who was living well alone, and then suddenly a group of people popped up, saying that it was her husband, son and family.

Even if she really chooses to believe, she still needs time to accept.

Seeing her silent, Xiao Yining loosened the little hand that held her tightly, and said aggrieved, "Mommy doesn't want it. As long as Mommy is happy, Ningning will not force you, I will leave in a while. Never bother mommy again.

Anyway, since Mommy disappeared, Daddy didn't want Ningning and Xiao Ai. Ningning will be strong and will teach Xiao Ai to be strong. From now on, our brothers and sisters will depend on each other for fortune-telling. "

The more he spoke, the more aggrieved, the tone of the father's unloving and unloving voice, as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.

An Ziqi did not have the memories Xiao Yining described before, nor did she know how she felt after having sons and daughters.

But maternal love is probably the nature of every mother. Even if you forget everything, you still feel distressed when you hear Xiao Yining's words.

Busily stretched out his hand and hugged him back into his arms, bit his lower lip, and said, "No, I won't want you."

A bright smile appeared on Xiao Yining's small face.

Hmph, his family is still the smartest, only he is the most pleasing to Mommy.

That idiot Daddy has been here for so many days, but Mommy refuses to let him get close.

In the end, he didn't have to make a move. After only half an hour, Mommy had already been dealt with, and she was hugged by Mommy.

Daddy knew that he would be jealous!

As Xiao Yining thought triumphantly, he gave An Ziqi a hard kiss on the face.

"I know Mommy won't want us, but if Mommy really doesn't like Daddy, Ningning can help Mommy find a step-father who is very good in all aspects!"

Arthur's lips twitched fiercely. Did this kid learn to change his face in acting?

The one who was sad just now is going to die, and now he smiles a little smugly.

And An Ziqi had obviously been completely taken away by him.

He now finally understands why Xiao Yining said before that their family called An Ziqi a little white rabbit.

This is really a lie!

I can't help but regret it, if he could meet her sooner before An Ziqi got married.

An Ziqi...

"Uh, I... I don't think I need it yet."

She hasn't fully accepted the fact that she suddenly became someone's wife and mommy.

Over there, Xiao Yining began to arrange her divorce, and then introduced her to her blind date, which was too fast.

Xiao Yining touched his chin regretfully, and said in disgust, "Don't you divorce a scumbag like Daddy and keep him for the New Year?

Mommy didn't know that apart from the shortcomings above, the most hateful thing about Daddy was that he liked to abuse children. I have been bullying me since I was a child, and robbed Mommy with me all day. When I go to bed at night, I always throw me out secretly while I am asleep.

In order for him to monopolize Mommy, Xiao Ai is so small and has not escaped his clutches. It was worse than me, and was thrown to grandma by daddy when nothing happened, and was not allowed to go home. More than Snow White's stepdad! "

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