Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2988: 99 first loves of tacit couples (19)

Subconsciously looking in the direction of the hospital bed, the whole person was instantly splashed with ice water!

The hospital bed was empty at the moment, except for a quilt piled up messy on the bed, and two pillows, nothing.

It was as if everything they experienced last night was an illusion.

Xiao Mo leaped up from the sofa, ran to the bed, and touched it.

The temperature on the bedding was already cold, and only the slight depression on the pillow showed the fact that someone had slept.

"Xiao Yining, Xiao Yining, come out for me."

Xiao Moli turned his head fiercely and shouted towards the empty room.

However, his voice echoed in the ward, but no one responded to him at all.

I found a circle in the ward, and there was no sign of these two people.

He ran out again and found the man and the doctor who had been guarding outside.

"Have you seen Ningning and An Ziqi?"

Xiao Moli searched almost all corners of the hospital and asked everyone who could ask.

Everyone shook their heads, as if these two people had disappeared out of thin air.

Xiao Moli ran towards the outside of the hospital while calling Xiao Chen.

After ringing for a long time, it was finally connected.

"Why? It's immoral to disturb people's sleep, don't you know?"

Xiao Chen was not waking up from the phone.

"Ning Ning and An Ziqi are gone." Xiao Moli suppressed his anger.


Xiao Chen replied carelessly and yawned, "Is there anything else? It's okay. I'm dead and sleepy."

"Xiao Chen."

Xiao Moli's forehead had blue veins sticking out, and he couldn't help but roar.

Xiao Chen hurriedly took the phone away, covered his ears, and said helplessly, "They both have hands and feet. It's normal if they are missing. Is it possible that you still plan to shut them down for the rest of your life?"

Xiao Moli gritted his teeth, "You know what I didn't mean. I have searched all corners of the hospital, and there is no trace of them. I also asked everyone in the hospital. No one has seen them."

Xiao Chen sighed and stroked his forehead helplessly, "Have your brain been eaten by dogs?"

"Speak directly, less nonsense."

"Your son is wearing a stealth cloak. It couldn't be easier for him to take An Ziqi away quietly. If you have time to look around like a headless fly, it's better to call Su Ran directly. Ask Ningning if he took something from him."

Xiao Chen looked at the phone in his hand and shook his head.

During the previous period, Xiao Yining organized the research department and Xiao Mango, and Ye Nianqing and the little guys had been in Longyuan mysteriously and didn't know what to toss about.

He didn't expect that he would develop a stealth suit so quickly based on the stealth fighter.

You must know that stealth fighters only use the principle of light refraction to make the aircraft invisible on the radar, rather than invisible to the naked eye.

However, Xiao Yining's invisibility cloak was truly invisible before human eyes.

And stealth fighter is not a difficulty at all.

Sometimes, even he had to admit that Xiao Yining was really a genius among geniuses.

His world is probably beyond their comprehension!

Xiao Yining must study this, it must be inseparable from Su Ran's support from Dark Night.

With his cheating character, it would be strange to stay here honestly.

As for his younger brother, he really fell into An Ziqi's hands in his entire life!

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