Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3005: A new generation of cheating gods (3)

She didn't know what happened in the past few years, why she married someone she hated.

Xiao Yining also only took a few sentences, seemingly intentional to create opportunities for her and Xiao Moli.

Thinking from Xiao Moli's perspective, his wife was right in front of him, and he had no reason to bear it.

According to Xiao Moli in her memory, she originally thought he would not care about his own feelings, just care about himself.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Moli actually let her go like this.

Is she too narrow and prejudiced towards Xiao Moli?

Or did she miss too much in the years when she was lost?

An Ziqi looked at that extremely handsome face, which was no different from what he had in his memory three years ago, but with a touch of the charm of a mature man, it looked even more attractive.

For a time, the mood was a bit complicated.

The corners of the lips of the person next to him were slightly curled, without opening their eyes.

"You look at me like this, I would think you want to..."

An Ziqi knew with her toes that Xiao Moli was definitely unable to say anything good, so she hurriedly raised her hand to cover his mouth.

She said in embarrassment, "You didn't open your eyes. Where did you know that I was looking at you? I... I didn't think about anything, so don't think of me with your yellow-headed head."

Xiao Moli chuckled lightly, opened his eyes and looked at her, raised his hand to hold her hand, opened his mouth, and kissed her palm.

An Ziqi flushed with a small face, like an electric shock, struggling to draw her hand back.

Looking at the bright smile on his face, bit his lip and gave him a fierce look.

Xiao Moli lifted his lips, "Look at it? If you really want it, I can satisfy you immediately."

An Ziqi raised her hand in shame to cover his mouth, and was afraid of being kissed by him like just now, so she hurriedly took it back.

I want to stare at him, but I am afraid he will say something rascal.

This guy is really as long as you look at him, he can find a reason to be a hooligan anytime, anywhere!

Biting your lip, can't afford to provoke, she will always hide!

With arms supported, he wanted to get up and go to the next room. Anyway, the yard was big and there were many rooms. Xiao Moli liked to sleep in this one, so he let him sleep well.

Before he could get up, he was once again pulled back by Xiao Moli and locked in his arms tightly.

Picking her lips forward, she said in her ear, "Sleep honestly, or I will really eat you."

While speaking, he deliberately pushed his waist forward in a threatening manner.

Feeling the scorching heat on her body, An Ziqi was startled, so she closed her eyes bitterly, cursed a hooligan in a low voice, and honestly didn't dare to move anymore.

The corners of Xiao Moli's lips were raised high, and he buried his face behind her neck. After smelling the familiar breath on her body, he fell asleep in peace.

From An Ziqi's departure, to disappearance, to recovery, more than a month, this is his most reassuring moment.

In the next two days, Xiao Chen also tried to take An Ziqi to the cave several times again, but An Ziqi did not react to the cave.

Her memory always stayed in the time when they first met three years ago.

Xiao Moli didn't say anything about this.

Yun Yi has been busy cursing people every day, confirming that An Ziqi's eyes have completely recovered, and after remembering that there is no solution in a short time, Xiao Moli took Xiao Yining and An Ziqi back to City S.

Little Mango and Ye Nianqing also flew back with them.

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