Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3021: He is crazy (1)

Si Rong looked at the clothes he had changed, even more inexplicable.

When has President Yun been so stinky that he has to change his clothes even after eating a meal?

Little Mango said that Yun Yi had not eaten enough and went to add a meal, so she naturally didn't believe it.

Looking at Yun Zong's murderous eyes again, his eyes couldn't help but make a circle on Rong Yan and Yun Zong.

Why does she always think something is weird?

Sitting beside him, his face remained unchanged, with a decent smile still on his face.

Without the frivolous and self-confidence on the sink, it seemed that everything that happened on the sink was just Yun Yi's illusion.

Looking at the formulaic smile on her face, Yun Yi only felt that she wanted to hit someone.

Forcibly resisting the urge to curse in his heart, raised his eyebrows at Jin Wende.

"The cooperation plan just now was a bit too rough. If President Jin wants to continue to cooperate, please trouble your secretary to send a more detailed and specific plan to my office tomorrow morning. I will carefully consider the plan based on the plan."

Jin Wende was taken aback, what's the situation?

Before that, Yun Yi said that as long as the fund budget plan is sent, this is already the meaning of agreeing to cooperate.

And listening to what he is saying now, there is a more specific cooperation plan. Is this going to go back?

Besides, Yun Yi didn't look at the previous plan at all, so where is the rough idea?

Could it be that when Yun Yi went out just now, another company called him and said a cooperation plan that was more in line with his wishes?

This cooperation with Yun's is very important to Yuanda. In any case, this cooperation must not be lost.

Jin Wende's face changed again and again, and he said hurriedly, "Is Yun always dissatisfied with the cooperation conditions?"

Yun Yi tapped his finger on the table in front of him, "I'm just not satisfied with the cooperation plan. Whether you want to cooperate or not depends on the cooperation plan that Secretary Rong will come up with tomorrow."

Jin Wende looked at his face immediately.

The face was not upset, and he smiled.

"President Yun can rest assured that tomorrow's cooperation plan will definitely satisfy you."

"Satisfied or dissatisfied, wait until you deliver the plan first.

Si Rong's eyes rolled back and forth between the two of them. Why did she always find something weird?

The box door was knocked outside, interrupting the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two of them.

Si Rong got up to open the door, and a service staff walked in from outside with a lot of colorful things in his hands.

A few people followed behind, also holding a large push of the same colorful things.

The headed service staff walked up to Yun Yi, "Mr. Yun, the soap you want."

Yun Yi's face turned green for an instant, and he gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words from his teeth, "Put here, you can go."


The service staff responded hurriedly, put the things down quickly, and ran away quickly.

Si Rong was dumbfounded at the pile of soap on the table.

What does Mr. Yun mean?

It's just for a meal. Did you buy all the soaps from other hotels?

The hair on Yun Yiqi's head was about to explode, and he glared at Si Rong, "What to look at, take it all away."

He got up and pulled Mango, "President Jin, it's time for my son to go to bed, so I won't accompany him and go first."

Jin Wende got up busy, and politely sent Yun Yi and Xiao Mango to the door of the hotel, saw them walking into the parking lot, and then turned and walked to the other side.

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