Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3034: Overbearing President (3)

"For someone like you, it would be an insult to my son to mention one more word."

The pinched eyes of the woman turned pale, and she could barely breathe.

He could only slap his hands desperately with both hands, kicking and struggling in the air with his feet desperately.

However, her struggle was useless in the face of Yun Yi's absolute strength.

Before, she only thought that Yun Yi looked familiar, but because of his so-so appearance, Yun Yi was a man of S Shineng, Xiao Moli, and Chen Jun.

With a face like this, it is impossible to have any chance to hook up with a few of them.

Therefore, I didn't think about Yun Yi for a while.

No one would have thought that this person turned out to be Yun Yi.

Even more would not have imagined that Yun Yi's son would be Yun Yi's son, Rong Yan.

"Yun... President Yun, I... I was wrong..."

"Don’t you think it’s too late to say something wrong now? What do you think if I kill you and then say something wrong?"

Yun Yi's hand holding her neck gradually tightened and moved upward.

Seeing that the woman had begun to roll her eyes, venting more and less air.

The face behind hurriedly stepped forward and reached out and grabbed his wrist.

"Quickly let go, if this continues, she will die."

With Yun Yi's temperament, this woman annoyed him, and he was afraid that he would really dare to kill her.

She is not a Virgin, she wants to intercede for this woman, but she feels that since Yun Yi has already taught her, she is not dead.

Yun Yi just snorted, and with force with his hands, he directly threw the woman aside.

The woman was already half-dead in fright, she just fell to the ground,

Holding his chest, breathing the air desperately.

Trembling, pleading with tears and nose.

"Yun... President Yun, I was wrong, I was really wrong. I have eyes but no knowledge of Mount Tai. Your grown-up doesn't care about a villain. Please forgive me this time. I will never dare to do it again."

Yun Yi put one hand in his pocket, looked at her condescendingly, and spoke disdainfully.

"I need your apology?"

The woman couldn't help but feel even more fearful, "Then...what does Yun always want?"

As soon as Yun Yi stretched out his long arms, he immediately embraced Zheng Chu's face watching the show.

Buckle it in his arms, and said coldly, "Kneel down and apologize to her by kowtow."

Rong Yan looked at the big hand clasped tightly around his waist.

Since she left home at the age of 16, and wandered outside for so many years, no matter what happened, she had always been alone.

When she was bullied, when so many people were hunted down and injured, no one had ever stood in front of her like this.

When I was young, I also imagined that one day, she would have her prince charming and shelter her from wind and rain.

However, the reality is too cruel.

After so many years of fleeing and hiding, she is no longer a weak woman who needs to rely on others.

However, at this moment, behind Yun Yi's broad and sturdy chest, even though he knew that he would only shoot because of Little Mango, not because of her, his heart was still filled with an inexplicable emotion.

He pursed his lower lip, his body moved slightly, but there was no struggle in the end.

The woman knelt down in a hurry, and squatted her head vigorously, "Miss Rong, I'm sorry, I was wrong, please give me a chance, forgive me, I really know I was wrong."

Rong Yan turned to look at Yun Yi, "Forget it."

Yun Yi snorted coldly, and said to the woman, "Just your face that costs money to assemble is far behind her."

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