Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3042: Lead the wolf into the room (2)

Little Mango nodded, "Aunt Ziqi is really beautiful."

Yun Yi just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief for his son's aesthetics.

In the next second, Little Mango continued, "But my mother is really a peerless beauty."

Yun Yi couldn't help having a headache, and he was about to lose to his son's wonderful aesthetics.

In the next half an hour, after Yun Yi tried various methods to save his son's aesthetics, he had no choice but to give up.

Little Mango once again emphasized, "Dad, mom is really a beautiful woman, you will regret it if you miss it."

Yun Yi rolled his eyes at his son, "You put a hundred hearts on it, I will be grateful if I can miss that ugly woman, I will never regret it in my life."

Little Mango pouted her mouth, looked at him and said, "Dad, you will definitely regret saying this for you."

"I, Yun Yi, never know how to write these two words regret in my life." Yun Yi said indifferently.

Just the appearance of her face, except for her eyes, nothing else from appearance to figure to personality meets his requirements, okay?

He still likes the cute and soft white rabbits of An Ziqi before.

Who is looking for a violent and ugly wife?

Little Mango shrugged. He had already told his dad anyway. When he sees his mother's beauty one day, he will regret his death.

Too lazy to say anything to him.

After watching TV for a while, the little guy was sleepy.

Since he has a memory, he has been running around with his face.

Because I have to change places frequently, I originally rented a small house with one bedroom and one living room.

Now, Rong Yan has returned to the bedroom and shut him out.

His father was always ready to beat him down again. Little Mango had no choice but to roll over in mid-air and sleep with his eyes closed.

Yun Yi lay on the sofa, looking at the little mango hanging in the air.

Although I know he has super powers, I don't feel relieved. "

"Hey, don't you fall down and hit me at night when you sleep?

"Don't worry, Dad, your son is very good." Little Mango whispered, then closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Brother Ningning said before that he was required to be vigilant 24 hours a day.

Even if he can't relax when he sleeps, he has specially developed a training plan in this area for him.

Therefore, sleeping at night is also part of his training.

He slept like this every night when he was in Longyuan.

Yun Yi picked up the remote control on the side and turned off the TV.

The sofa is too small, and his figure is already tall. Once his legs are straightened, a large part of it can only be exposed outside the sofa, which is very uncomfortable.

Turning to look at the direction of the bedroom, he was thinking of his own calculations.

After tossing for a long time, finally fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, a scream of "Ah" in the living room cut through the night sky and went straight into the sky.

Rong Yan was taken aback in the bedroom, thinking that something had happened, so she wrapped her pajamas quickly and immediately opened the door to go out.

Turning on the light in the living room, I saw Yun Yi lying on the sofa and yelling, while Xiao Mango sat on him dazedly and rubbed his eyes.

Needless to say, she could also guess that it must be the little mango that fell from the sky in the middle of the night and hit Yun Yi.

Over there, Yun Yi finally had a chance to catch the little mango, and immediately held it down and slapped it.

"Mom, please help me, get out of this stepdad." Little Mango shouted.

The face turned back to the bedroom with a headache, "Bringing the wolf into the room by myself, deserves it."

(Don’t the babies dislike Yun Yi’s story? You can leave a message and tell me how I feel, but I always don’t see a response. I’m so generous, okay?

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