Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3046: Li Shao will show you the correct way to open marriage (4)

Yun Yi is about to cry, and even his son doesn't help him. What kind of world is this?

Busy stretched out his hand to put Xiao Qian'ai on the sofa.

The little guy numbly followed his arms, like climbing a tree, climbing up to him with his hands and feet together.

With two small legs hanging on him, little hands grabbed his hair, opened his mouth and gnawed at his face.

In his small mouth, he said slurredly, "Daddy Qihu is not allowed."

Where is that cute and adorable look a little bit before.

Not far away, Xiao Moli, holding his wife in his arms, looked at his daughter, with a smug expression on his face, so he almost shouted for cheer.


Yun Yi is about to cry, how cute is this, she is clearly a little witch!

Over there, An Ziqi watched that Yun Yi's head was almost turned into a chicken coop, smiled and pushed Xiao Moli away, and hurriedly reached out and took the little guy over.

"Xiao Ai, come to Mommy."

Only then did Xiao Qianai let go, and honestly turned and threw back into An Ziqi's arms.

Then aggrievedly stretched out a little finger, pointed at Yun Yi, and then pointed at his own teeth.

He said with tears, "Daddy, it's numb, it hurts."

Over there, his head had already been pulled into a chicken coop, and Yun Yi, who was still imprinted on his face, almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood when he heard this.

This little guy grabs, beats, and gnaws at him. Who is bullying who is the two of them?

Now she turned the case and complained, saying that her teeth hurt?

Is there any reason for this?

Sure enough, it was Xiao Moli's daughter, who had learned the true story of her daddy at such a young age.

The genetic genes of the black-bellied people of the Xiao family are also against the sky.

How could An Ziqi not know that this little guy did it on purpose, she rubbed her little face with a gentle smile, and then kissed her, "Little love, mommy will not hurt anymore."

Xiao Moli next to him didn't plan to let Yun Yi go like this. He just wanted to punch someone, and now he finally had a reason.

Rolling up his sleeves and stepping forward, he clenched his fist and struck Yun Yi.

Damn, dare to instigate his wife to go with him in front of him at his house, and it would be light to beat him up.

"Ah... Xiao Moli, you are crazy... Xiao An'an, help... Just take care of your husband, he is going to kill..."

Yun Yi jumped up and down all over the room being chased.

He would rather run away than fight Xiao Moli. The guy had a black hand and had a bad stomach. He would definitely not be able to beat him. He would be dead if he was beaten.

Little Mango sighed helplessly. Is there anything in this world that is more sad than having such an unreliable dad?

With his father so unreliable now, when will the happy life of their family come?

Xiao Yining raised his hand sympathetically and patted him on the shoulder, "calm down."

Thinking that he came here in the same way back then, it was broken for his daddy and mommy.

Little Mango is just the beginning, and there will be some toss in the future.

Over there, An Ziqi watched the two older men arguing like children, and turned around to the restaurant speechlessly.

Both are already fathers, so what if one or two are so naive?

After she came back, all the family affairs, including housework Xiao Moli, refused to let her interfere.

Xiao Moli had always prepared breakfast personally, and even the servants at home would not let him touch it.

Xiao Yining has her own things to do. She eats, drinks, and accompanies Xiao Ai every day. Sometimes, she simply feels that Xiao Moli is raising her as a piglet.

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