Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3062: Xiao Moli VS Ye Wuge VS Yuntian

An Ziqi smiled and leaned forward, and gave the little guy a big kiss on the cheek.

"Little Ai is great."

The little guy was happier instantly.

Xiao Moli said irresistibly, as long as his wife and daughter are happy!

the other side.

After Xiao Yining dropped the small video in the WeChat group, Yun Tian threw a photo of Xia Xing holding his son, and the baby son pouting his mouth and kissing him shortly after.

Since Jiayin gave birth to a son, Ye Wuge has thrown away all of his work and has become a full-time dad and husband at home.

Not to be outdone when he saw it, he posted a small video of him playing with Kayin with his son.

The little guy was thrown around by the two, not afraid at all, and still giggling.

The two parents are simply unreliable, but fortunately their son has a strong mentality.

Yuntian soon posted another photo, and Ye Wuge was not to be outdone.

Soon, Xiao Moli also joined the army of showing babies and wives. In the photo, An Ziqi hugged Xiao Qian'ai and leaned in his arms shyly. Xiao Moli lowered his head and kissed her. Xiao Qian'ai returned with two small hands. Pushing his face desperately.

Ye Wuge reacted immediately, and replied heartbrokenly, "Xiao An'an still didn't escape Xiao Moli's clutches after coming back."

Xiao Moli was also unwilling to show weakness and stunned him.

The three of them again started their daily comparisons with babies.

Since a few of them got married and had wives and children, the WeChat circle of friends has completely changed.

Fancy show affection, fancy baby drying.

If anyone else sees it, they will be taken aback.

They couldn't think of the high-cold male **** in their eyes, the man at the top of the pyramid, who would be like ordinary people, enthusiastic about this every day.

Yun Yi sat at the desk, watching the show of affection and love in the WeChat group, and cast aside his lips.

What's so great, he is also a man with a son now, okay?

I took out the phone and picked it from the album for a long time, picked out a photo of him and Little Mango, and sent it out.

As a result, the three people who were fighting a lot just now all rushed together and said a word at the same time.

"Go away, you find your wife before you come to show."

"Go away, you find your wife before you come to show."

"Go away, you find your wife before you come to show."

Puff, Yun Yi's whole body is ill in an instant.

With a black face, he turned off the phone screen and threw the phone aside.

I'm angry in my heart, it's great to have a wife?

Hmph, he has a son, his son has super powers, and his son's mother also has super powers, do they have them? Do they have?

Thinking of her face, she couldn't help but gritted her teeth.

He raised his hand and touched the purple on his forehead, hissed.

I picked up the phone and took a photo. In the morning, the little guy Xiao Qianai gnawed on his face. Now there is a circle of light red tooth marks on his face.

He was there last night without the ointment on his body.

The office is gone, and the bruise on his forehead that was smashed last night hasn't gone down.

Xiao Qianai won't say anything, who is his precious goddaughter.

That ugly woman not only dared to hit him with something, she even dared to slam the door at him!

I was furious, the door of the president's room was suddenly knocked from outside.

Yun Yi hurriedly took away the phone that he was using as a mirror, "in."

Si Rong came in from outside, "Mr. Yun, Yuanda..."

Before he finished speaking, seeing the bruise on Yun Yi's forehead, he couldn't help but pause and open his mouth wide.

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