Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3082: Love her so affectionately (1)

Yan Yan picked his lower lip, "It's the opposite. Actually, I didn't apply anything on the file before, so there is no special fluorescent agent on my hands.

There is no developer in this bag, but just ordinary phosphor. As long as everyone reaches into the bag and touches it, their hands will be contaminated.

In the entire conference room, among the twenty people who participated in the meeting, except for me and Mr. Yun, everyone's hands were stained with fluorescent powder, and you were the only one who had clean hands and nothing was stained.

If you really haven't touched that file, why bother just stretched it into the bag with a guilty conscience and didn't dare to touch the phosphor in the bag. "

Xuan Xuan gritted her teeth and said calmly, "I didn't. I did put my hand in the bag. As for why it was not contaminated, maybe it was something wrong with your phosphor, or it was because I just washed my hands before. The skin on the hands is too dry.

But because of this small loophole, you put such a big crime on me, and I don't have any reason to betray Yun's. "

The face smiled lightly, before she could make any movement, he directly grabbed her hand and pressed it into the black bag.

When Xuan Xuan reacted, her hand had already touched the phosphor in the bag.

Rong Yan glanced at the little assistant at the door, "Turn off the lights."

As the light dimmed, Xuan Xuan's hand that was forcibly pressed into the bag by her face gradually glowed with a faint fluorescent color.

The lights turned on again, and her face raised her lips to look at her, "Any questions?"

Xuan Xuan bit her lip, bit her scalp and said, "I haven't done it, I just haven't done it."

The face smiled, "You want a reason? Because of my sudden arrival, you lost your position as the president's secretary, so you hate me.

You have been in the secretary's office for a long time. You know the secretary's office and the president's office best, and you know the habits of Mr. Yun best.

So, taking advantage of the lunch time when Mr. Yun and I were out for dinner, a person ran to the secretary room upstairs and opened the door of the president's room with the key in your hand that was still in the future.

After taking a peek at the file, he quickly called the secretary of the Lexus Group and asked them to find someone to grab those items. "

When Xuan Xuan heard this, her face changed drastically, and she subconsciously retorted with excitement, "I didn't. I just told her about one of the projects, and I didn't say any of the other projects."

As soon as the voice fell, seeing everyone around her looking at her, she finally realized that she had missed her mouth, and hurriedly raised her hand to cover her mouth.

However, it was too late.

Rong Yan looked at her with a smile, "Do you have anything else to say?"

She said that she missed her mouth, which is no wonder.

Xuan Xuan bit her lip. Now, it doesn't make much sense for her to be stiff.

Looking at the face, "I have been in the Yun family for three years, and every night I go home from get off work to study desperately, trying to make myself better, and trying to make myself more beautiful.

Finally, from a small assistant that everyone can call back and forth, he finally walked to the position of secretary to the president.

You only saw President Yun once and didn't make any effort at all. Why did you steal my position? Take away all the efforts I have made in the past three years? "

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