Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3107: I'm pregnant and my life is finally fulfilled

Lan Yue looked up and saw his appearance, her heart became a little nervous, "What's wrong? Am I sick?"

However, Xiao Chen suddenly reached out and hugged her up, and laughed and turned a few times outside.

Lan Yue didn't know what he was suddenly mad again, so she exclaimed, so she stretched out her hand and hugged him tightly.

"You are crazy, let me down quickly."

Xiao Chen laughed and put her down, and kissed her fiercely on her lips, "Wife, you are pregnant. It has been 40 days. We finally have a baby. I'm going to be a father, hahaha."

When Lan Yue heard this news, she couldn't help but be stunned.

Xiao Chen excitedly hugged her and kissed her a few times, and put the person on the sofa.

Lie his head on the lower abdomen of Lan Yue and carefully feel the baby inside.

Lan Yue looked at Xiao Chen as happy as a child, with a gentle smile in her eyes.

Her life is finally complete!

the other side.

After coming out of Xiao Chen's laboratory, Xiao Moli drove An Ziqi back to Ye Minzhi.

They had moved out of the Ye family’s old house a few years ago and moved to the villa area on the west side of the city.

Along the way, the car was very quiet.

An Ziqi sat on the back seat, silently watching the scene out of the car window, but her emotions were ups and downs in her heart.

Everything outside has changed drastically from her impression.

The car stopped in front of a villa, but An Ziqi's hands became tighter and tighter.

Xiao Moli got out of the car and opened the door for her. After she got out of the car, he took her to the house.

Tang Qi and Ye Minzhi were both at home, and An Siqing and Lin Xilu happened to be called by Ye Minzhi to have lunch together.

Seeing the two of them coming in from outside, Ye Minzhi smiled and said, "Ziqi, Mo Li, you just came here. Stay for lunch together at noon."

An Ziqi's eyes stopped straight on Lin Xi Road, who was sitting with An Siqing.

Seeing An Ziqi's gaze, Lin Xilu felt that something was wrong inexplicably, got up and asked with some confusion, "Ziqi? What's wrong with you?"

And Xiao Moli saw An Ziqi's gaze towards Lin Xilu, and instantly understood something.

The body couldn't help but swayed slightly in place, and the bitterness and pain quickly spread in the body.

He originally thought that An Ziqi's memory only went back to when she was 16 years old, but now he discovered that her memory went back to before she changed history.

All that she had changed in the past seems to have been erased, and she has truly returned to the origin of everything.

Ye Minzhi and Tang Qi felt that the atmosphere between the two seemed not right.

Busily stepped forward and pulled An Ziqi, "What's the matter with you kid? I'm relying on Mo Li to spoil you and bully people again."

"Mom, she didn't, Ziqi was just sick, she lost the memories between us." Xiao Moli said in pain.

It was just that he lost their memories and he was already in pain, but now, she not only lost their memories, but she now remembers Lin Xilu, but she doesn't remember him.

Lin Xilu over there was shocked for an instant, and he didn't expect things to be like this.

No wonder An Ziqi thinks of him this way. When she was 16 years old, it was the first year they met.

Ye Minzhi and Tang Qi were also shocked and didn't know what to say.

The room fell silent for a moment.

An Ziqi only felt the atmosphere was depressed, but she just wanted to escape immediately.

(I'm afraid that some people won't understand, let me explain. Before An Ziqi crossed and changed history, the first person she liked was Lin Xilu. After crossing back, it changed history and became Li Shao's first love. She is now My memory goes back to the time when I didn’t travel through and changed history, that is to say when I only knew Linxi Road and didn’t know Xiao Moli. As for why, I will explain later, and the babies will know if they take a patience to read it.

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