Huo Siting's handsome face appeared behind the car window with a gentle smile on his lips, and he waved to her.

The face was stunned, wondering why Huo Siting suddenly appeared downstairs in the company at this time.

Huo Siting smiled helplessly, pushed the car door, raised his long legs, and walked down.

Leaning against the car door, raised an eyebrow and smiled at her, "I have the honour to invite you to dinner together and take you home?"

The smile on his face is gentle, and his speech is gentle. It is this kind of gentleness, which is even more irresistible than domineering coercion.

The face returned to his senses and smiled and stepped forward, "Huo, why are you here?"

Huo Siting frowned deliberately, "Why, can't I come here?"

He smiled, "No, I just said that I was very busy during this time. It just happened that I got off work a little earlier today, and I happened to meet you."

Huo Siting blinked at her, curled his lips and smiled, "Perhaps this is fate, Secretary Rong, don't miss such a good fate, get in the car."

Before, he was troubled by Yun Yi every time he made appointments with his face, either because he had to work overtime, or there were various other things.

Today, he deliberately chose to come over when Yun Yi was away.

"Mr. Huo, sorry, I think..."

"Am I so bad? You didn't even think about it. You just rejected me so quickly."

Huo Siting made a small wounded expression.

He looked helpless and had no choice but to speak, "I am not good enough for you, Mr. Huo. Actually, I always wanted to tell you that my son is over 4 years old this year.

He is still young, and it is the most sensitive time when he suddenly accepts that it is not good for him.

Moreover, I personally have no plan to live with another person for the time being.

I always wanted to tell you, but every time something happened to be delayed, so I never had this opportunity to tell you this.

I am sorry if any misunderstandings have been caused to you. "

Huo Siting couldn't help being shocked when he heard Rong Yan's words, he couldn't imagine that the reason for Rong Yan's rejection of him would be this.

He had conducted a simple investigation on her before, and the personally identifiable information of the face was very simple.

Everyday life is basically a three-point line, and the data does not show that she has a son.

The information is as simple as her life and personality, so he didn't do any in-depth investigation.

Although she doesn't like to dress up and looks very old-fashioned and serious in all aspects of her clothes, she is definitely not very old.

He really didn't expect that his face would have a son at a young age, and he was more than four years old.

What happened to cause Yan Yan to live outside with her children alone, and never mention it to anyone?

Without much thinking, Huo Siting knew that this was definitely not a pleasant experience.

This is probably the reason why she works hard outside, has a strong personality, and is calm and rational.

While shocked, he felt more pity for his face.

"It does not matter, I do not mind."

"But, Mr. Huo, I currently have no plans to find another one."

The face is also very helpless. She is neither beautiful like this, and there is no prominent wealth behind him that can help him, and she also has a son. She really doesn't understand what Huo Siting is after her.

However, thinking of this, thinking of the reason why she is acting ugly, thinking of the family behind her, her face can't help but darken.

No matter what they are, they have nothing to do with her.

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