Busy again, he controlled the glass of juice and moved it aside.

The results of Little Mango's training during this period of time have begun to show results, even in the contest with his appearance, he has been able to maintain it without losing the wind.

The little guy smiled and said to Huo Siting, "Uncle Huo, eat more."

Rong Yan couldn't bear to look directly at his son's black belly behavior.

Quickly got up, raised his hand and grabbed the glass of juice hanging in the air.

Huo Siting looked at her caringly, "What's wrong? Is it indigestion?"

The face smiled a little awkwardly, "Yeen, there is a little indigestion."

As he said, he hurriedly raised his hand and drank the juice in the cup in one gulp.

"The juice is too cold. If you have indigestion, it's better to drink less. I'll go to the pharmacy to buy you some digestive medicine later." Huo Siting said.

"No, I'll take a break, just eat less." His face hurriedly refused.

After dinner, his face patronized the little mango, not to disturb him.

Little Mango didn't know what the **** he was making, and smiled and pulled Huo Siting to take a photo with them.

Huo Siting was smiling and responsive.

Before leaving, he said to him, "Little Mango, wait for Uncle Huo to take you to the playground on the weekend, okay?"

Little Mango nodded, "Okay, thank you Uncle Huo."

Huo Siting smiled and touched his head, and his face sent him out downstairs.

"Little Mango is Yun Yi's son, right?" Huo Siting stood downstairs looking at his face and asked.

Sometimes I have to feel the magic of genes. Even if the face of Little Mango is still small, it is still enough to see Yun Yi's shadow.

When he saw Little Mango when he entered the door before, he immediately noticed it.

Rong Yan didn't hide it at all, and nodded in response, "Yes."

"Is this the reason you chose to stay with Yunshi and stay by his side?" Huo Siting thought for a while and asked.

He didn't expect Rong Yan to have a son, let alone Yun Yi's son.

With a bitter smile on her face, where does she have a choice?

City S is a natural reserve because of Xiao Moli, Chen Jun, and Yun Yi.

Given their current situation, staying here is the safest and most appropriate.

If she was the only one, she might choose to take the risk to leave, but she is different now, she still has a little mango.

Even if she does not consider her own safety, she must also consider his.

And as long as you stay here, you will definitely not be able to avoid Yun Yi.

Shaking his head, "I'm just for my son."

Huo Siting looked at his face earnestly, "You have also seen Yun Yi's situation. His nature is not bad, but he is used to debauchery on weekdays, and it is difficult for him to take care of him.

Maybe he wants to be a good father, but being a good father is not just enough to provide enough money. Children are now the age that needs the company of their parents most.

Does he feel sad when he sees others being with his parents and the teacher in the school calls the parents?

When I was very young, my parents divorced, which I feel more deeply than anyone.

The little mango needs someone to take care of it, its appearance, and you also need someone to take care of it.

You need someone to support you and help you when you encounter difficulties, instead of being a female warrior wielding a shield and armor all the time. "

Huo Siting didn't say a word of Yun Yi, and even every one of his words was very pertinent.

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