Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3132: Of course I like her

Managers of various departments downstairs have come up several times to find someone to sign, but they have not been found.

Although Yun Yi seems to be serious on the surface, he is serious about his work and rarely does not come to the company for no reason.

Thinking of what happened last night, thinking of the news I just saw.

Yan Yan pursed her lower lip, without saying a word.

For the next two days, Yun Yi still did not appear.

It was not until Friday morning that Yun Yi finally appeared in the office.

He didn't look at her, and didn't embarrass her because of the fact that she slapped him that day, but went straight into the president's room.

Rong Yan glanced at the figure of him hurriedly entering the office, then lowered his head to continue working.

She could use her telepathic ability to spy on what Yun Yi was thinking without Yun Yi at all.

However, no matter what Yun Yi thinks, it has nothing to do with her, so why bother.

Moreover, she has no habit of spying on other people's privacy anytime and anywhere.

On the other side, in the office.

Yun Yi sat at the desk and threw aside the documents on the desk irritably.

After thinking about it for two days at home, he didn't think about what was going on.

Why do you do this to your face?

Could it be... he really likes her?

But how is this possible?

The woman was savage and rude, she was not beautiful, she was not in good shape, and she didn't fit his aesthetics at all.

Even more inconsistent with his requirements for a future wife, if it weren't for Little Mango, he would probably not have looked at her more in his life.

As for how Little Mango came from, he has no impression at all.

Even if she is hungry, she will not choose a woman like her face.

However, when he thought of the scene of Rong Yan and Huo Siting together, he couldn't control all kinds of things in his heart.

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and took out the phone and sent a message to Ye Wuge alone.

"If you see a woman and another man feel upset, what is it?"

After sending it out, I waited for a while, but didn't see Ye Wuge's reply, closed the phone, and reached for a document.

I opened it for a long time, but didn't read a word.

"Ding Dong"

The mobile phone on the table sounded.

Yun Yi hurriedly threw away the papers in his hand, and reached out and took the phone over.

Opening WeChat, the first thing that catches your eye is the photo of Ye Wuge holding his baby son and wife.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Show me less and answer the questions quickly."

"Of course I like her. You have such a stupid IQ. There is a reason why you can't find a wife."

Yun Yi is angry, damn, he still has the face to say about him?

When Jiayin liked him for so many years, he was not just as stupid and almost lost people. He chased him all over the world for almost a year before...

Wait, he said he likes her?

Yun Yi was dumbfounded, how could this be possible.

Shizhi immediately replied, "Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? How could I like her?"

"Hey, there are circumstances, who do you like? Hurry up and send me the photos first. Would you like to make an appointment for a meal tonight?"

Ye Wuge has always loved gossip, and immediately became excited.

Yun Yi cracked his fingers and firmly denied, "Impossible, she is ugly and her body is not good, it does not meet my aesthetics, and it does not meet my standards for future wives."

"There is never a standard for love and marriage. Before you meet that person, you never know what kind of person you will fall in love with in the future."

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