Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3140: Negative distance contact (2)

"Yan Yan, you let me down, did you hear me."

Right above his head, Yun Yi was still shouting.

Rong Yan raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his head, put his hands on his chest, and slightly raised his head to look at him.

"What do you want to do while running in my room while I'm asleep?"

"I...I just asked me to ask you to eat, okay? It's obvious that you don't even lock the door when you sleep." Yun Yi was hung from the ceiling and said with his neck.

Rongyan said, "The villagers are simple and honest, there is nothing else here except you beast."

Yun Yi was depressed, "Where am I a beast?"

He was obviously only worried about her, so he came and took a look.

Rong Yan raised her eyebrows and glanced at somewhere under him, "Do you need me to say hello to your little brother in a special way?"

Yun Yi looked down hurriedly, and saw that the small tent under him hadn't faded in the future.

He has always been thick-skinned and doesn't care, "What to look at, it shows that I am in good health. Please let me go."

He gave him a pale face, this guy is really the thickest-skinned person she has ever seen, not one of them.

He got up, raised his head and said to him, "Men and women are not getting married, so, for the sake of Mr. Yun's personal safety, please keep your distance with me in the future."

After speaking, he turned around and went out.

Yun Yi looked down angrily at his little brother who was still bulging up high. What kind of man and woman could not be married? She even gave birth to her son, and had long been in contact with him at a negative distance. Now tell him this?

Huo Siting dared to steal a woman from him, he was dead!

Humph, sooner or later, he will let Rongyan fall in love with him.

"Hey, wait, let me down first, face."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden feeling of weightlessness from his body, and Yun Yi suddenly fell from the sky.

If this fell directly face to the ground, even if it was not disabled, it would definitely be disfigured.

Between the lightning and flint, he was preparing to make a defensive posture, but his body stopped abruptly at the moment of landing, and it stopped at a distance of about ten centimeters from the ground.

Before Yun Yi could breathe a sigh of relief in the future, the strength that had been supported under him suddenly disappeared.

With a "boom" of his body, it fell directly to the ground.

Outside the house, Rong Yan had just walked out the door when she heard Yun Yi’s screaming from the room.

He couldn't help but smiled, just when the leader who had picked them up came walking towards her.

After seeing her, he smiled and said, "Secretary Rong, the food is already hot, I'm here to ask you to eat, have you seen Mr. Yun?"

The face shrugged, "Probably in which corner you are doing it yourself, so please don't worry about him."

Following Yun Yi coming out of her room, her face instantly darkened when she heard this.

And when the leader saw Yun Yi coming out of the face room, he instantly showed a suddenly realized expression.

It is said that the secretary of the president in those big companies is the Xiaomi of the president, and now it seems that it is so.

However, Mr. Yun's taste seems a little strange, which is not in line with the beauties he has seen in the news before.

What kind of human spirit Yun Yi was, as soon as he saw his eyes turning between him and his face, he immediately guessed what he was thinking.

I was angry in an instant, shit, he didn't dislike his woman, why did he dislike her as ugly?

"Turn your face, close your eyes, don't look at things you shouldn't, don't think about things you shouldn't."

The leader was taken aback and turned his head busy.

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