Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3154: Touched, touched (6)

A huge boulder that was mixed in the mountain torrent just hit his chest, causing several of his ribs to break.

The broken rib just pierced his lungs.

This is why he was trapped there before and couldn't get up on his own.

After each step of walking, the broken bones pierced deeper into the lungs.

Every step is like walking on the tip of a knife, and his ability to hold on to this is already the limit.

The pulmonary bleeding continued, and he certainly couldn't go on.

In this case, it will only make your face tired and unable to go down the mountain.

"I won't leave, I won't leave you alone."

Yan Yan's eyes began to pantothenic again.

"Be obedient, otherwise we will both die here. I don't want to spread it out and be said to have been drowned by the rain after climbing a mountain."

Yun Yi coughed, and blood mixed with blood foam constantly overflowed from his mouth.

She gritted her teeth, in any case, she would not leave Yun Yi alone, let alone let him die.

He took a slight breath and mobilized the only trace of super power left over his body, trying to slowly lift Yun Yi from the ground into the air.

Realizing what she was doing, Yun Yi instantly changed his face, exhausted all his strength, and said angrily, "Stupid woman, who wants you to save, let me down."

Yan Yan's expression turned pale in an instant, but at this moment, where can I still listen to him?

Yun Yi's current situation must have injured his internal organs and vomited so much blood, the situation must be abnormally serious, and he would be fatal if he went on.

After controlling his superpowers to lift him from the ground, he walked hard down the mountain.

"I asked you to let me down, did you hear that."

"Ugly woman, even if you try your best to save me, I won't like you."

"You are the woman I hate most in the whole world, let me down."

Yun Yi roared behind, every roar, accompanied by blood constantly overflowing from the corner of his lips.

The face moved forward with difficulty, just as if he hadn't heard it.

Separate a small amount of superpowers, and directly seal his mouth, so as not to take any effort.

Yun Yi couldn't say anything, so he could only stare at her fiercely with his eyes, and there was a whining sound in his mouth.

Looking at the thin figure in front of him, he exhausted his last strength and led him forward with difficulty.

The look in his eyes gradually softened.

He didn't know if he could survive until he came down the mountain, but at this moment, looking at the firm steps of his face, even if he really died, he had no regrets.

The people behind have gradually calmed down.

The face was buried in his head and walked for a long time, and when he turned around again, he saw that Yun Yi didn't know when he had passed out.

The blood stains on the corners of the lips have been washed away by the rain, and it is as quiet as just asleep.

Yan Yan stretched out his hand carefully and touched the artery in his neck lightly.

Feeling the beating of the arterial microemulsion below, while breathing a sigh of relief in my heart, the eye circles instantly turned red.

She hates Yun Yi, and hates that he obviously can't give her what she wants, but she doesn't care about her will to defend her in front of others and give her warmth time and time again.

I hate him for warming and softening her cold and numb heart, but I don't care to continue to be nice to other girls.

I hate his fancy, hate his indiscriminate emotions, but so much hate, at this moment, finally let her realize that, it turns out that she has long been moved and moved by Yun Yi.

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