Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3167: He just lived what he wanted

Rong Yan looked at the appearance of the two lying close together in the ward, and only felt that the pain in her heart at this moment was even more painful than the injury on the back of her shoulder.

"Girl, don't be sad. It is always impossible for you and Yun. He won't like you, let alone marry you. A person like him is only suitable for us to stand far away and see from afar. .

Listen to your sister, go back and find a boyfriend who is good to you.

Forget about him, and be nice to yourself in the future. "The doctor couldn't bear to persuade him.

Although she knew that she would be sad and sad when she said that, but it was true.

She doesn't think that her face is long and ugly, but according to the previous girlfriends of Mr. Yun, the face is definitely not the type that Mr. Yun likes.

Besides, even if Mr. Yun really chooses her as his girlfriend, it is not a good thing.

Mr. Yun is good at everything, but it's not good at Huaxin. His girlfriend has never been more than half a year.

The face of her face drooped slightly, and she suppressed the sadness in her eyes.

Yes, it is impossible for her to be with Yun Yi, he will not like her, let alone marry her.

Yesterday, when I rescued him on the mountain, I told myself clearly that as long as he can be fine, he can do whatever he wants.

He can continue to be his playboy, he can like whoever he likes.

Since he is okay now and can still make friends with the people he likes, then she has nothing to dissatisfy.

Yun Yi was originally a playboy. He treats her well and he will protect her. The biggest reason is just because of Little Mango.

As for the others, it is nothing more than possessiveness in his bones. I feel that she once gave birth to a small mango for him, so she is his possession.

Therefore, he couldn't tolerate what Huo Siting coveted from him.

Didn't she already know these things?

Blame her only, she shouldn't be touched, touched.

Knowing that falling in love with him is a moth to the fire, or falling in love with him uncontrollably.

He was not wrong, he just lived what he wanted.

He raised his head and grinned reluctantly at the doctor, "I know, I just want to come and see him, as long as he is okay, thank you."

"You're welcome, as long as you can figure it out."

The doctor patted her hand comfortingly.

"Do you... still want to see it?" the doctor asked hesitantly.

"No, let's go." The face turned hard and walked towards the path.

The two went downstairs. The doctor saw that she was having difficulty walking, and guessed that she must be injured, and said with concern, "Girl, you should come to the consulting room with me. Let me check it for you.

The body is the most important thing for girls to learn to love themselves. "

"Thank you, really no, I'm fine."

After Yan Yan thanked her politely again, she turned and left.

The wound behind her shoulder seemed to be torn every time she walked. She was so painful that she almost suffocated and even had difficulty breathing.

However, the face at the moment seemed to be less than half felt, and she was walking fast under her feet, she just wanted to leave here quickly.

She knew it shouldn't, but she still felt pain in her heart, as if thousands of people were constantly piercing her heart with knives in their hands.

Want to pierce her heart, want to dig a big piece in her heart.

Walking forward staggeringly, Yun Yi was the first person to warm her up, and the first person she fell in love with.

The pain in her body was entangled with the pain in her heart, and every cell in her body was screaming for pain frantically.

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