The face busily resisted the pain and shouted, "Huo Siting, don't."

Yun Yi has never liked her. Although she feels sad, she doesn't want to use her to save Yun Yi. Because of his injury, Yun Yi pity her.

Being with her because of guilt.

She doesn't need such pity.

Huo Siting turned his head and glanced at his face, and saw the prayer and determination in her eyes.

He gritted his teeth and roared, and once again fought with Yun Yi desperately.

The tacit look in Huo Siting and Rong Yan just now angered Yun Yi even more.

Seeing that both of them were fighting to death, the face was forced to endure the pain, holding his breath and trying to separate the two of them with super powers.

However, there were bursts of pain in her mind, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't feel the existence of any superpowers at all.

There was a moment of panic in Rong Yan's heart, and she tried hard again, except for the headache, she couldn't feel a trace of superpower in her body.

Not to mention separating Yun Yi and Huo Siting, even the tea cup on the table could not make it float.

She thought of the superpower overdrafts when she was in N City before.

Seeing Huo Si Ting being beaten by Yun Yi almost without the strength to fight back, his face was too late to think about it.

He suppressed the panic in his heart, rushed forward hurriedly, stretched out his hand to push Yun Yi hard, "Yun Yi, you let him go, let go."

"Don't let go, I must kill him today." Yun Yi's eyes flushed, and he pushed away his face with his backhand.

One hand grabbed Huo Siting by the collar, and the other hand struck him fiercely.

If this continues, Huo Siting will definitely be beaten to death by Yun Yi.

Yan Yan bit her lower lip severely, raised her hand and slapped Yun Yi's face vigorously.

Yelled, "Yun Yi, you are crazy."

Yun Yi's raised hands froze in mid-air, and his eyes stared at his face for a long time before finally letting go of his grip on Huo Siting's collar.

Threw the person directly to the floor on one side.

Yan Yan turned around hurriedly, rushed to the ground, and helped Huo Siting from the ground behind him, letting him lean on him, and said with a trembling voice, "Huo Siting, how are you? Talk."

Yun Yi stood by, watching Yan Yan holding Huo Siting anxiously, watching her worried and sad.

The slap on the face seemed to be still aching.

Everything is nothing but his own passion, his care and affection, she has never cared about it in her heart. ‘

The expression on Yun Yi's face gradually calmed down, "Face, I won't let you take away Little Mango. From then on, my son has nothing to do with you.

You can find whoever you like, and live with whoever you want to live with. I will not let my son live with you and other wild men. "

After gritting his teeth coldly, he turned around and walked out towards the door.

Rong Yan's eyes reddened instantly, resisting the tears in his eyes, and hurriedly helped Huo Si Ting from the ground.

"Huo Siting, how are you Huo Siting?"

Yun Yi's hand was extremely ruthless, and the corners of Huo Siting's lips and nose were overflowing with blood.

Half of his face was covered with blood, and it looked shocking.


Huo Siting coughed a few times, raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corners of his lips and nose, smiled at the face, and said jokingly.

"I'm okay, don't worry. However, it seems that I will probably need to find a master to learn the martial arts skills in the future."

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