Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3178: Do you really want him to be a new father?

Raised his hand and touched Little Mango's head.

Between her and Yun Yi, perhaps it was really just a misunderstanding this time, but the most fundamental problem between them has never been because of a misunderstanding.

Little Mango is still young, and he just wants his parents to be together, but he doesn't understand many problems.

She doesn't blame him.

He smiled and raised his hand to pick a piece of chicken wings for the little mango.

"I know, hurry up. Mom made this specially for you."

Little Mango opened his mouth and bit with a smile, "Thank you mom."

After speaking, his big eyes turned, "Why did you go to Huo Siting's house, mom? You don't really want him to be my new father, do you?"

The face reluctantly raised his hand and squeezed his little face, "Adults, don't care about children, do you want to eat chicken wings?"

Little Mango shouldn’t know about her injury, otherwise this little **** would definitely blame himself for being sad.

While talking, he made a gesture to take the chicken wings away.

Little Mango hurriedly stretched out two small hands, took the plate, and protected him.

Biting the chicken wings, he said slurredly, "Bah Bah Bah..."

Rong Yan looked at his greedy little appearance and couldn't help but smile.

Mother and son finished their supper warmly.

Rong Yan packed up the dishes and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, and Little Mango ran to help in a clever and sensible way.

After the two were busy in the kitchen, Xiao Mango watched TV with Rong Yan for a while, and enthusiastically told Rong Yan about his and Ning Ning's recent achievements.

Listening to Xiao Mango's cheerful words, Yan Yan hugged him anxiously, and raised his hand to touch his head.

Having super powers is not a good thing, and having the most powerful and coveted super powers is even worse.

Not only will it not bring any benefits to yourself, but in many cases it will lead to killing.

Little Mango is precisely the last one, he can feel the existence of other superpowers through his own superpowers.

As long as you have a small mango, you have all the other superpowers.

And this is exactly what the world's major superpower research organizations and some military institutions most want to have.

Little Mango’s will face more dangers than she did at the beginning.

After running outside for so many days, the little guy was really tired, watched TV in her arms, and fell asleep watching it.

The face looked at his obedient and quiet sleepy eyes, and she couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

If it weren't for her, his past and future would not be so hard.

He got up holding the little mango, the little guy is more than four years old, and he still has some weight. It involves the wound on his back, and he can't help but curl his eyebrows.

Enduring the pain, he carried the little **** back to the bedroom, carefully put it on the bed, and wrung out the towel in the bathroom and wiped his face.

He lowered his head and kissed his immature face, then turned back to the bathroom.

Gently shut the door to the bathroom, lifted his hand and opened the clothes on his body.

Turning around, carrying a mirror, you can see that the blood on the snow-white gauze has leaked out.

Clench your teeth and remove the gauze from the wound.

Perhaps it was because she suddenly had no superpower relationship, and the wound healing speed on her body became very slow, even worse than normal.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how serious the injury, more than a week has passed, and the wound should at least start to heal.

The wound on her back was still the same, not getting better at all.

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