Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3191: She is the only one who is tempted

In short, she couldn't control it when she found out.

It's just that she's the only one who's touched, touched, from start to finish.

The fine and dense pain continued to spread out from my heart.

"Hey, ugly woman, what do you think, I'm hungry."

The face recovered, this guy is really an uncle!

There is no way, who made her the one who moved her first, who made her feel soft, afraid that he would injure the wound, and reluctant to starve him.

He had to accept his fate and picked the shrimp dumplings and stuffed them directly into his mouth.

"Ahem, ugly..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yan Yan had already stuffed three shrimp dumplings into his mouth.

Yun Yi's cheeks on both sides were stuffed and bulging, looking like a little hamster.

Rong Yan couldn't help but smile.

Seeing her smiling, Yun Yi's boring mood just improved instantly.

The atmosphere in the box gradually became cheerful again.

Yun Yi is not idle at all, always disgusting.

"The sauce is too little."

"Too salty, not sour enough."


The face gritted his teeth, just wanting to immediately pour all the bottle of vinegar on the table into his mouth.

Later, I really got a headache, so I didn't give that guy a chance to say ha.

Every time he opened his mouth, he stuffed something directly into his mouth.

Yun Yi's mouth was filled with things, and he slapped the table and said angrily, "Does the mud feed the nest as a pig?"

"I really know myself."

Without waiting for him to speak, Rong Yan again brushed his mouth and stuffed three shrimp dumplings, which directly blocked his mouth.

After eating, Yan Yan helped Yun Yi downstairs.

That guy would enjoy it, most of his body was pressed on her shoulders.

His face gritted his teeth, and there was a burst of pain from the injury behind his shoulder.

Enduring the pain, Yun Yi helped Yun Yi into the car downstairs. Not worrying about his injuries, he drove him directly to the hospital.

The doctor performed a detailed examination on him. Yun Yi was in good physical condition. He used Xiao Chen's special medicine before. Most of the fractured ribs have recovered, and the fractured bones have healed well.

As long as you don’t do strenuous exercise and take a good rest for a month, you will be completely healed.

"Moreover, the wound medicine we prescribed to Mr. Yun has slight pain-relieving ingredients..."

The doctor ignored Yun Yi's blinking eyes and kept talking about Barabara.

His face squinted, glanced at Yun Yi, and said nothing.

After checking out from the hospital, when he arrived at the car, Rong Yan gritted his teeth and directly raised his hand and smashed Yun Yi's chest.

This bastard, because she had been waiting for him for so long before, it turned out to be deliberately pretending.

"Ah, it hurts." Yun Yi yelled while clutching his ribs.

"It's so painful, forget it, and you've covered the wrong ground. That's the heart."

The face angrily punched him again, turned around and got into the car alone.

Step on the accelerator and gallop away.

"Hey, ugly woman, stop for me..."

Ten minutes later, when Yun Yi returned to the company, Rong Yan had already sorted out the documents at the desk in the secretary room.

Lifting his leg forward, "Hey, ugly girl..."

Rong Yan picked up the file in his hand and patted it heavily on the table, then stood up rubbly.

Looking at him fiercely, "Scream again and I will cut your tongue."

Every day, she disliked her ugliness and let his beautiful little white flowers take care of him.

The face at the moment, apricot eyes rounded, and a crimson lip was biting with his teeth because of anger.

The little angry face with a grinning grin is more cute.

Because he was shorter than him, he raised his small face slightly, as if he could be picked.

Yun Yi couldn't help but slowly lowered his head towards her.

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