Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3205: I introduce you a boyfriend

"Yan, you are so good, capable, and beautiful, how about I introduce a boyfriend to you?"

An Ziqi looked at her with two big eyes.

The face was busy crying and dumbfounding, "Miss An, no, I already have a son."

"Huh? Have a son."

A trace of disappointment flashed across An Ziqi's face, and then she smiled and asked, "Where is your husband? Did you stay with you today? I want to see who has such a vision and can marry you such a good wife."

The hand on the face of the face tightened slightly, thinking of Wen Luoluo who was by Yun Yi's side, his heart seemed to be pricked by a needle.

They were originally not a husband and wife, but to Yun Yi, Little Mango was just an accident.

So, what qualifications does she have to ask him?

After smiling, Feng Qingyun said calmly, "His grave head is already two feet tall."

Yun Yi in the VIP room shuddered inexplicably, and couldn't help turning his head to look at the closed door.

Who is talking bad about him behind his back?

Over there, An Ziqi's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard Yan Yan say this.

"That's because of his bad fate. Why don't I introduce one to you. I have a friend who looks a little unreliable, and his reputation...well...the reputation is a little unreliable."

An Ziqi said that even she was a little embarrassed and guilty, so she tossed Yun Yi over and over in her heart.

Then he hurriedly added, "However, I promise, he is actually very good-minded. After getting married, he will definitely be a good man who cares for his family and loves his wife.

You see, Xiao Moli is the best example. He used to have so many scandals, so bad reputation, bad temper, and domineering and unreasonable..."

The corners of her lips twitched, in order to introduce her boyfriend, is it really okay to be so black with her husband?

"So, what did you think about him marrying him?"

An Ziqi touched her chin and thought carefully, then raised her hand and poked her head, "I don't know, I have something wrong with my head recently, and I don't remember the past."

"Don't remember? Is it amnesia?" The face couldn't help but asked curiously.

An Ziqi shrugged and said, "No, Xiao Chen said that I have a memory disorder, maybe I don't know when I can remember it."

The face nodded thoughtfully, if it was amnesia, it was caused by congestion in the brain or something else oppressing the nerves.

If she didn't lose her superpower, she might be able to help her.

"Memory confusion? Is it an injury or something?"

An Ziqi thought for a while, "I don't know, anyway, when I wake up, I don't remember anything. My memory stays at the age of 16."

The face nodded, this situation is a bit special, you will know after trying it with super powers.

However, Little Mango's current superpower situation is unstable.

If you let him try, he might hurt An Ziqi.

However, An Ziqi doesn't care about this at all, "This is not important, anyway, he is good to me now, and good to the child is enough.

He said he didn't mind if I had no memory. If he really does mind in the future, then I will divorce him with my son and daughter. "

With a smile on her face, An Ziqi obviously didn't mind her appearance.

There are rumors that Xiao Moli spoiled people to the sky, it seems that it is really right.

Is there any woman who has been married to a wealthy family who dares to talk about divorce casually?

Which one is not afraid of being abandoned by her husband?

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