Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3216: I will take it seriously next time

Seeing him holding Wen Luoluo like that, but ignoring her, she couldn't restrain it and didn't want to control it anymore.

Therefore, she deliberately wiped the special effects makeup on her face in front of Yun Yi, deliberately saying that Huo Si Ting was her boyfriend.

She wants Yun Yi to regret it.

However, when she really saw the regret in Yun Yi's eyes just now, and that trace of inexplicable depression.

She didn't feel the slightest pleasure in her heart, instead, there were bursts of fine pain.

"I am sorry."

Huo Siting leaned against his chest and leaned on the passenger seat, looking at her tenderly, "My face, no matter what I do for you, it is my willingness. Even if it is only used by you, you never have to say sorry to me."

Listening to Huo Siting's affectionate words, Yan Yan felt even more guilty and sad.

From the very beginning to the present, Huo Si Ting has always paid her without complaint and does not ask for any return.

However, the more he was like this, the more sad she felt.

Whispered softly, "Hos Ting, I'm not worth it."

He is so good and so good, there should be better girls to love him instead of spending time on her meaninglessly.

Huo Siting smiled, and didn't speak any more.

The car quickly came downstairs to Huo Siting's apartment, and his face helped him upstairs.

That guy Yun Yi almost hit a dead hand, and Huo Siting was hit with a big bruise on his chest with his punch.

Rong Yan severely cursed Yun Yi in her heart, took out the medicine box, and gave him medicine.

Huo Siting looked at her beautiful face intently taking medicine.

Rong Yan finished the medicine on him, and raised his head just to see his gentle and focused eyes, his cheeks couldn't help but flushed, and he raised his hand to touch his face.

Some uncomfortable openings, "Aren't I used to this way?"

Huo Siting raised his hand and gently stroked the hair scattered around her ear with his fingertips, "I'm thinking, I like the way you used to be better than you are now."

Rong Yan looked up curiously and asked, "Why?"

Don't men like beautiful women?

Is it because Mr. Huo pays more attention to taste and has special taste, so he always likes her?

Thinking of this, his face couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

As if guessing what Yan Yan was thinking, Huo Siting chuckled lightly.

"Because then only I can see your beauty, and now, your beauty will drive all men crazy."

The face moved quickly to put away the medicine cabinet, and smiled, "Mr. Huo should be a writer. He will definitely fascinate all the girls who read."

Huo Siting smiled, and didn't say much to her deliberately changing the subject.

Rong Yan packed up the things on the table, got up and left.

When he reached the door, Huo Siting stopped her, "face."

"En?" Rong Yan turned to look at him.

Against the background of the light at the door, the facial features are more refined and profound.

Huo Siting couldn't help raising his hand, trying to touch her cheek. When he raised his hand in the air, he paused and then slowly put it down.

"Next time I will take it seriously."

Those deep eyes looked at her deeply, containing countless tenderness and love.

He didn't say it completely, but Rong Yan understood it.

Biting his lower lip, he whispered, "Sorry."

Then turned and ran.

She knew that she was not company to Huo Siting, but all she could give him was sorry.

Before, she said that because she was mad by Yun Yi.

It's just that I feel owed in my heart.

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