Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3221: Stupid dad finally got the hang of it

Little Mango twisted her eyebrows, stretched out her little hand and hugged her tightly, "Guoguo just wants to be with her mother, no matter how bitter or tired she is. Mom, don't leave me behind."

The eyes of his face turned red, and he lowered his head and kissed his forehead.

I stayed up all night, and in the middle of the night, it rained in the sky.

The patter of rain became louder and louder and continued until morning.

Little Mango is not going to Xiao Yining's place today. After the two had breakfast, Rong Yan spent the day with the little guy at home.

After dinner in the evening and when I went out to take out the garbage, two little girls happened to come down in the elevator.

The two were chatting, "The man standing downstairs is so handsome."

"Yes, yes, I'm still very affectionate. It's raining such a heavy rain, and I have been standing in the rain. I must have annoyed my girlfriend and want to forgive me.

"I don't know how long I have been standing, and my whole body is soaked. If I were his girlfriend, I would definitely rush down as soon as possible, where I would be willing to let him soak in the rain."

"Hehe, I think you just want to be someone else's girlfriend. Why don't you go down and give an umbrella now. Maybe when people are moved, they just dumped their original girlfriend and fell in love with you."

"You're going to die, I won't be a junior."


The two talked and laughed and took out the key to open the door and entered the house.

The woman who had lived next door to her had disappeared since Yun Yi cleaned up her scolding.

Later, I changed to these two little girls, and I met her face several times, but they didn't say anything.

Hearing their conversation at the moment, my heart felt tight.

Shouldn't they say Yun Yi?

She ran into him downstairs yesterday afternoon, and it has been a day and a night.

It should not be him.

Rong Yan turned around and went back to the house. Little Mango was sitting on the sofa playing a game, and when she heard her coming back, she turned her head and took a look.

His eyes blinked, "Mom."

"En?" Rong Yan looked up at him hurriedly, "What's the matter?"

"Didn't you go out to throw the trash? Why did you take it back again?"

His face lowered his head, and then he saw that he had taken the bag of garbage back again.

"Oh, I just met someone when I went out. I chatted a few words and forgot."

He casually made up a reason and went out again to throw away the garbage in his hands.

Back in the room, I sat down restlessly and watched TV with Little Mango for a while.

But the words of the two little girls before kept flashing in my mind.

Yun Yi's injury hasn't healed yet, if it was really him, it would have been so long in the rain...

Rong Yan finally couldn't help it, got up and said to Little Mango, "I'm going out to buy something."

Then he took an umbrella at the door and ran out in a hurry.

Leaving Little Mango staring at the same place, what did his mother go out to buy at this late hour?

Thinking that my mother had forgotten the garbage before going out, she raised her eyebrows. Could it be that his stupid dad finally got the hang of it?

When Rong Yan ran to the elevator, it happened to remind her that the elevator was going down and that she had reached the floor below her.

If she wants to wait to take the elevator, she must wait for the elevator to go down to the first floor and then come up again.

Rong Yan bit her lower lip and looked at the slowly descending elevator. After all, she couldn't wait and ran downstairs directly along the safe passage next to her.

She lived on the twelfth floor and ran off in just two minutes.

On this cold and rainy night, I ran out of sweat.

There was faint pain from the wound behind his shoulder, but his face couldn't take care of it, so he ran out of the passage and into the rain.

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