Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3232: One more rosy face is a disaster

Seeing his parents playing together, Little Mango's big eyes couldn't help but bend with a smile, and screamed and ran in.

"Mom, I'll help you."

After closing the door of the ward, waving two little hands, all the things in the ward flew up and smashed towards Yun Yi in an instant.

Yun Yi was smashed and dodged in embarrassment, and finally had to pull his face to hide in the bed and play hard to get out.

The black line was straight off his face, this bastard, he was shameless, she wanted it.

Gritting his teeth and kicking him under the covers, Little Mango yelled, "Don't worry, mom, I'll save you!"

Then, with a pair of short legs, ran to the bed and rushed directly at the two people on the bed.

Although Rong Yan wanted to beat Yun Yi violently, she was afraid that the little mango would accidentally injure his wounds, so she rushed into Yun Yi's arms and stretched out her hand to hug him.

The wound on his chest was protected between the two.

The beauty cast her arms and hugs, Yun Yi naturally opened her eyes and smiled, took advantage of the situation, and gave her a big kiss on her face.

The quiet ward in the past became lively because of the arrival of the family of three.

At dinner, Rong Yan was going to go out to buy it. Yun Yi was not happy to be separated from her, so he called and sent the food to the ward.

Yun Yi once brought a small mango to the hospital before

After dinner, when the doctor came to change Yun Yi's dressing, he saw Little Mango and his face intimately.

Only then did I understand that the face was the mother of the young master.

Before, they just thought that the face might be the hostess in the future, but now it is certain.

He was favored by Mr. Yun and gave birth to a young master.

This Miss Rong will definitely be the hostess of the entire Yun family.

There is one more fascination in S City!

Before going to bed, Little Mango jumped excitedly between his face and Yun Yi for a long time.

In his four-year-old life, he has never had the experience of sleeping with his parents at night.

It’s a novel feeling that you can see Dad when you turn to the left, and you can see Mom when you turn to the right.

Yun Yi's forehead jumped straight. It's nice to have a son, but sometimes I really want to push him back into the furnace to rebuild.

It simply hinders the two-person world of him and his face.

He had just chased his wife and didn't even have a chance to make intimacy, so he was disturbed by the little bastard.

I couldn't help but raised his hand and slapped his little **** twice, "Be honest."

Little Mango turned his head and complained, "Huh, mom, dad is too violent, I still like Huo better..."

Before he could finish his words, Yun Yi covered his small mouth.

Rong Yan looked at the rival father and son over there, turned over helplessly, and turned to sleep.

In the next moment, there were two hands, one large and one small, on her waist.

Yan Yan closed her eyes and couldn't help but curl up at the corners of her lips.

From the day her mother died to the present, in order to avoid chasing by those organizations, she has never slept peacefully all night.

The spirit must be tight at all times, even if it is sleeping, I dare not relax.

However, in this ward, on this small hospital bed, beside Yun Yi, the face was the first to sleep peacefully in so many years.

Don't worry about the chase of those people, don't need to be nervous all the time, smelling his body, just feel very relieved.

It seems that as long as he is there, there is no need to worry about everything.

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