Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3236: Her true identity

Yan Yan got into the car, slammed on the gas pedal, and the car hummed and galloped away.

Staring hard at the front, after the car drove out for a long time, a flustered heart finally calmed down a little.

Try to force yourself to calm down.

Drive with one hand and take out the phone with the other.

The hand holding the phone was tight and tight, the fingertips were white, and even the phone made a few slight squeaks, a little overwhelmed.

When she closed her eyes and opened her eyes again, she had recovered to the fact that she had been traveling alone all these years, relying on her own face.

I glanced at the number on the screen, swiped my fingertips across the dial button, and redialed the call.

The phone was quickly connected over there.

His face calmly said, "What do you want to do?"

There was a low laugh over there.

"My good sister, are you finally willing to admit it? I thought you would insist on not admitting it. It seems that my sister does not have enough weight in your heart."

"Have you finished talking nonsense?" The face said unceremoniously.

"Hehe, sister, you are as ruthless as you always have. I haven't seen you for so many years. Dad misses you very much. He has been sending people to find you in recent years. Have you never thought about us?

Don't plan to reunite with my sister? "

On the phone, there was a smile and threats that only his face could understand in the young voice.

The face chuckled lightly, "I think, why don't I, every day, whether it is day or night, I think of you, and I want you to die."

"Does my elder sister have any misunderstandings about us, why are you so angry?"

Yan Yan sneered, "Misunderstanding? Mingzhu, you dare to try my son, I will let you survive tomorrow."

The photo she received on her phone just now was the photo of Little Mango getting out of the car and going upstairs in their apartment.

Little Mango originally came to the hospital directly after returning from Xiao Yining during this period.

With the Xiao family escorting, naturally there is nothing to worry about on weekdays.

Today, I said that the hospital was too crowded and I wanted to go home, but I didn't expect Mingzhu to spot him.

No, maybe she has been staring for a long time, only today can she have a chance.

It seems that she was not the only one seen at the dinner that day.

She was careless, she shouldn't have a fluke.

There was a burst of laughter over the phone, "Sister, what are you doing so nervously? In S City, you have Young Master Yun as a backer, and friends like Xiao Moli and Chen Jun. Naturally, I believe this.

What's more, my little nephew is so cute, how can I be willing? I just wanted to meet him, and by the way, I would like to greet my sister how well these years have been. "

"My son and I are both very well. Don't bother you. If it's okay, I'll hang up. Still."

Yan Yan's voice paused, "Since the day I left the Ming family, I have nothing to do with the Ming family anymore.

My son has nothing to do with your Ming family, Mingzhu, no matter what you pay attention to now, I advise you to better not hit me and my son. "

"Sister, you can't say that. Be a parent for one day, and be a parent for life. Even if you die, you will still be the ghost of the Ming family."

Mingzhu chuckled slightly, "Daddy has been thinking about you for so many years, and you said, if I tell Yun Yi that I have you here now and that I have given birth to a son, what will my dad do?"

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