Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3243: Miss the ceiling again

Yan Yan paused, and said casually, "Do you miss the ceiling again?"

Yun Yi instantly thought of the fear of being dominated by the ceiling in those days before, and quickly shook his head, "No, I think it's good to cook by yourself, and you can also feel the fun of the kitchen."

The face snorted, and then started cooking again.

After Xiao Mango got up, he saw Yun Yi sticking to his face all the time, and expressed strong contempt for his behavior.

After breakfast, Rong Yan took the little mango downstairs and personally sent him to the car where Xiao Yining came to pick him up.

He also told the driver to call her before sending Ning Ning home in the afternoon, and then let them leave.

She believes that in City S, Mingzhu has not the guts to attack Xiao's car.

After sending Little Mango, Yun Yi was sent back to the hospital forcibly, where he stayed with him all morning.

After lunch, he said to Yun Yi, "There is something going on at Yuanda, I need to go back."

Before Yun Yi could speak, he said directly, "You stay in the ward and are not allowed to run around, otherwise you will be hospitalized for another month."

Yun Yi had a black face, "Then I will sleep with you after I leave the hospital."

The little nurse who came in to change his dressing couldn't help covering his mouth and smiled.

The face blushed instantly and gave him a fierce look, "You shut up."

How could she be so shameless.

"Oh, I will shut up if you promise to sleep for me." Yun Yi looked at her calmly.

Yan Yan bitterly picked up the pillow, put it on his face, and blocked his mouth.

Instructed the nurse to resolutely not allow him to run around, and then turned around and went out.

Drove directly to Peninsula Coffee.

When she got there, a service staff saw her coming in and took her directly to the door of a box.

Obviously, Mingzhu is already waiting inside.

Rong Yan raised his hand to push the door and walked in directly.

Mingzhu was sitting at the table, wearing a small yellow dress on her body, her hair naturally scattered behind her head, and a hair band made of small pearls and diamonds in front of her.

Looks gentle and gentle, standard ladies dress.

Seeing her entering the door, he smiled slightly, "Sister, you are finally here, but I have been waiting for you for a long time."

In that intimate tone, people who didn't know heard it and thought how good the relationship between their sisters was.

Rongyan sneered and turned to sit down opposite her.

He said directly, "From the day I left home ten years ago, I have no relationship with the Ming family.

Now, I'm just a face, Miss Ming's sister, I can't bear it.

Also, there are only you and me in this box. Miss Ming doesn't need to pretend to be intimate with me like this.

You are not tired, I also dislike listening to it disgusting. "

Mingzhu didn't get annoyed when she heard what she said, she just smiled and said, "Why is my sister so angry? My father has been looking for you for so many years. If I hear this, I should be sad."

"Mingzhu, I have already said that I have nothing to do with your Ming family for a long time.

Even if I die outside in this life, there is absolutely no idea of ​​going back. You are here to test me. not to mention……"

Rong Yan paused while watching her, and said sarcastically, "What's more, you know better than me how I left the Ming family back then.

Mingzhu, if I really go back, I will be the first to kill you. "

The look on Mingzhu's face finally changed.

She said disdainfully, "So, say something quickly, let it go if you have a fart, I still have a lot of things, and I don't have time to listen to her gossiping here."

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