Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3246: because of love

It wasn't until her eyes started to roll her eyes that the face snorted and waved her hand to release her.

No more nonsense with her, he turned around and left the box directly.

In the box, Mingzhu clutched her neck and panted for a long time before finally relieving herself.

He staggered and got up from the ground, touching his sore neck, there was a gleam in Mingzhu's eyes.

Thinking of something, an ironic smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Over there, after Rong Yan went out, she returned to the car.

I have been busy these few days and have a terrible headache. I raised my hand and rubbed it vigorously.

Before I came here, I didn’t think about what Mingzhu wanted to do with her. The request she made was in her expectation, but...

Thinking of her identity, would Yun Yi really not mind?

She didn't say it before, but she did have concerns in this regard.

At that time she only thought, anyway, she had cut off contact with the Ming family, and now she was just a face.

However, the appearance of Mingzhu disrupted all this.

She is not a person who likes to be passive, maybe it's time for her to talk to Yun Yi.

I was thinking wildly in my head, and the cell phone placed aside suddenly rang.

Yan Yan stretched out his hand and took a look. It was Yun Yi.

These two words are like a ray of sunshine, and the gloomy mood before is instantly brighter.

There was a smile on the corners of her lips unconsciously, this guy, she just left for less than an hour, as for.

Although I thought so in my heart, he already answered the phone automatically.

"What are you doing?"

"When will you be back?" Yun Yi asked directly and unceremoniously over the phone.

Rong Yan pursed her lips and smiled, and deliberately said, "I don't know, I'm still busy, it's probably until night."

"What? At night? Is that old **** Jin Wende tired of life? Want to be kicked out of City S right away?" Yun Yi roared furiously over there.

His face was speechless, "Hey, do you want to be so cruel?"

Doesn’t it mean working overtime?

Kicked out of S city? This is too exaggerated.

"Hmph, if he doesn't let others go, I can be more brutal." Yun Yi was angrily.

Yan Yan couldn't help but sneered. Since Yun Yi confessed that day, the bastard's way of expressing his feelings has become more and more direct.

There was no concealment in front of her, no matter what she said, she could speak it out.

With a helpless smile, "I know, I'll go back soon."

"I want to eat Fulihua's Crab Roe Bun." Yun Yi spoke proudly on the phone.

The face became strange, and then he smiled, "Well, I know."

After hanging up the phone, I drove directly to Furama to buy light porridge and side dishes, and then drove back to the hospital.

The people in the hospital have become more familiar with her, and on the way to the VIP ward, people constantly greeted her.

Rong Yan smiled and nodded in response one by one, but she felt a little nervous at the thought of something that she might have to talk to Yun Yi in a while.

She loves Yun Yi, there is no doubt about that.

Because of love, I am afraid of losing.

If Yun Yi really cannot accept her identity, then she...

Rong Yan bit her lower lip hard and stared at the door in front of him for a long while, just wanting to see through the door what Yun Yi was thinking.

After living for so many years, she regretted her sudden loss of superpowers for the first time.

Standing at the door, he took a strong breath, then raised his hand to hold the doorknob, and pushed open the door with slight force.

Seeing the situation that suddenly appeared in the ward in front of him, his face was instantly stunned.

This...what's the situation?

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