Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3257: Never marry him again


Yan Yan raised his head and laughed a few times, "Mingzhu, if you really dared to kill me, you would have done it a long time ago, so why bother to talk nonsense here?"

Mingzhu became angry, "I'm just giving you a chance for the sake of sisters. Don't blame me for giving you to Dad.

When the time comes, my dad will not be as kind to you as I am. "

"Heh, Mingzhu, if you say this from your mouth, will you have a guilty conscience?"

Yan Yan looked at her sarcastically, "Do you think I don't know what your idea is?

If I returned to the Ming family at this time, Ming Shengru would definitely find the Mo family to fulfill the marriage contract between me and Mo Shaonan.

And you will never marry Mo Shaonan again.

That's why you are so anxious that after you accidentally discovered me, you hide all the news from Ming Shengru and want to use me to deal with Chen Jun and the others.

You designed everything by yourself, and now you lock me up like this, so that you don't hide it from Ming Shengru, the Ming family and the Mo family?

Take 10,000 steps back, even if you really hand me over to Ming Shengru, do you think that if I ask you to die as a condition, will your dear father promise me? "

Mingzhu didn't want her to go back, but also wanted to use her, so she had a good calculation.

Although her situation is extremely bad at the moment, her white cheeks are red and swollen, and there are still blood stains on the corners of her lips.

However, there was not the slightest embarrassment between her expressions.

Instead, it is full of pride and self-confidence that belongs to her alone.

It seems that at this moment the two of them have switched positions and are in control of the overall situation, and the person standing at the top is like her.

Mingzhu was pierced by her, angrily raised her hand and slapped her, yelling, "Shut up for me."

The face that had been beaten was hot and painful, and it was already swollen high.

But he smiled indifferently, "I just praised you for being smart and made such a mistake in a blink of an eye. It seems that I looked at you highly, or as stupid as before.

Think about it next time before you speak, so as not to shame your title as the jewel in the palm of your Ming family. Speaking out, lost Ming Shengru's face. "

"You shut up for me, you shut up for me."

Mingzhu yelled a little frantically, her eyes looked like an enemy, and she looked at her fiercely.

"Mingjing, I'll give you another chance, otherwise, my next goal will not be just Yun Yi."

There was still a smile on her face, and she smiled calmly at her.

"If you really want to cause a catastrophic disaster for the Ming family, you can try to move him to see Yun Yi and Xiao Moli will they let you go."

"It's just a wild species who doesn't know who his biological father is. Do you think I will believe that Yun Yi and Xiao Moli will ignore the overall situation for that wild species?"

Mingzhu looked at her face with contempt.

No one knows better than her how this child got here.

He smiled, "You are wrong, Little Mango is Yun Yi's biological son."

Mingzhu's face was ugly for an instant, and she shook her head in shock, "Impossible, this is impossible. Mingjing, you don't fool me here."

"You have followed my son for so long. You should know what he looks like. Have I lied to you, don't you know it in your heart?" Yan Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Mingzhu staggered back two steps, no wonder she always felt that Little Mango looked familiar.

Thinking about it now, it was indeed very similar to Yun Yi, except that his eyes were more like faces, so she would ignore it.

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