Xiao Yining turned off the laser in front of him very quickly.

At the same time, Little Mango avoided a laser beam and appeared directly in front of Yun Yi.

He got up from the ground and patted his little ass, "Dad, why are you here?"

Yun Yi hurriedly closed his open mouth to prevent himself from appearing so ignorant.

He gave a dry cough and asked in a concealed manner, "Little Mango, is your mother so good?"

Little Mango shrugged, "I don't know, except for cooking and housework on weekdays, my mother rarely uses superpowers in front of me."

Recently, she doesn't even need to cook. No one knows how strong his mother's superpower is, except for herself.

"However, it should be better than I am currently."

Yun Yi spit out a mouthful of old blood in his heart, and once again remembered the fear of being dominated by the ceiling when he first met his face.

He can already foresee how miserable his future life will be.

"According to the data I have so far, Little Mango has the greatest potential among all known superpowers.

If divided according to the grade, the small mango belongs to the special grade.

When he really grows up in the future, in theory, he can dominate all superpowers. "

Xiao Yining said in a hurry.

"Of course, my son is naturally the best."

Yun Yi said to Xiao Yining with a sullen expression, "Go back and tell your daddy, let him be more polite to me in the future, otherwise I won't be polite when my son grows up."

Little Mango covered his face, and was speechless to his second-hand dad.

Xiao Yining said calmly, "When the little mango grows up, I will also grow up."

Yun Yi couldn't help but give him a blank look. "You have been so unlovable since childhood, just like your daddy. I have something to do. I have to take the little mango home first. You and Nianqing should also go home quickly, lest your mommy is worried. "

Xiao Yining knew about the explosion in the branch, and Xiao Moli must also know.

This guy wants to stick to An Ziqi every day, An Ziqi will know soon.

The big men of them are not worried, but women just love to worry about them.

No way, the wife I'm looking for has to be spoiled on her own knees.

So, didn't he come to pick up his son by the order of his wife?

"Mom worried about me?" Little Mango asked.

"Well, your mother is still waiting for you in the hospital."

Little Mango was so cute that he heard his face waiting for him, and immediately ran to change his clothes.

"I heard that there was also an explosion in the hospital. Shouldn't your confidantes come back for revenge?" Xiao Yining looked at him suspiciously.

Yun Yi was very bothersome. He had found countless women. If they all came back for revenge, he probably wouldn't be able to live a stable life for a day.

"You treat me as your daddy."

Yun Yi curled his lips, he was not as blind as Xiao Moli, and he always provokes those women who are better than the other.

"I'll wait for you to finish dealing with those messy women first." Xiao Yining expressed contempt for him.

Little Mango changed clothes and ran out, "Dad, let's go. Brother Ningning, I'm leaving."

Xiao Yining nodded, and turned to find Ye Nianqing in the laboratory.

Yun Yi took the little mango out of the headquarters, got into the car, and was about to drive away.

The phone placed in front of the car rang again.

Little Mango turned his head and glanced at Yun Yi who was driving, then raised his hand and took the phone over.

After being connected, he cleverly put it in Yun Yi's ear.

After hearing the voice on the other side of the phone, Yun Yi's face instantly sank, and his feet slammed on the brakes.

(Double monthly pass on the last day, babies, ask for a ticket at the end, monthly pass, recommended pass all over, love you, refill~)

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