Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3264: Her identity

"President Yun, I didn't expect you to move very fast. I found this place so quickly, so I had to change places again."

"The land price in S city is so high, it is not easy to find a suitable place, you are really not considerate at all."

A woman's lazy voice came over the phone.

"Where is the face?"

Yun Yi pursed his lower lip and asked directly.

"Don't you want to know who I am?" Mingzhu asked curiously.

"I don't need to know who you are, I just need to let you know, if you dare to hurt her, no matter who you are, even if you escape to the end of the world, I will never let you go." Yun Yi said coldly.

Mingzhu chuckled lightly, "Mr Yun is really domineering."

"You'd better be acquainted and be polite to your face, otherwise I will let you know that I am not only domineering, but also cruel."

Yun Yi replied unceremoniously, "Speak up your purpose, I don't have the patience to spend time with you here."

When Mingzhu heard this, she couldn't help being more jealous.

Since she was a child, her sister has been better than her in all aspects, and even has some super powers.

Although her father didn't like her at home, it was Mo Shaonan's childhood sweetheart fiance who spoiled her.

After being kicked out of the house, and wandering alone outside, he could still find a good man like Yun Yi.

Why is she?

He gritted his teeth, if it weren't for Ming's family, she would have killed her as soon as she found her.

"Since Mr. Yun is so simple, then I won't go around. I want Mr. Yun to stand on my side and deal with Xiao Moli and Chen Jun with me."

Yun Yi squinted his eyes and said unceremoniously, "Mingzhu, who gave you the courage to make you whimsical here.

Are all of your Ming family dead already? Let you idiot come to my place to do such stupid things? "

At that banquet, he had seen Mingzhu, but at that time he was just going to show Chen Jun and was not interested in this woman, so he didn't pay much attention.

But at this time, no one can make such a request to him except the Ming family.

On the phone, Mingzhu almost vomited blood when Yun Yi said.

"Hmph, even if I'm stupid, now you still have to listen to me obediently?

Yun Yi, you'd better do what I said, or don't blame me for being rude. "

She was not surprised that Yun Yi could guess her identity. Since she dared to do so, she did not intend to hide it.

Yun Yi squeezed the phone tightly, "I won't promise you."

Even if he were to die, he couldn't betray Mo Li and Chen Jun.

"Oh, I thought how much you love her, it turned out to be nothing more than that."

Mingzhu said sarcastically, "If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude, President Yun."

When her voice fell off, there was a "pop" on the other side of the phone.

It was the sound of the whip hitting the flesh.

Yun Yi's eyes were instantly red, and he roared angrily, "Mingzhu, you are looking for death."

When the voice fell, there was another "pop" over there.

"Haha, President Yun, do you think about what to do?" Mingzhu asked confidently.

Yun Yi's forehead was blue, "Mingzhu, I tell you, if something happens to her, I will let you and the Ming family be buried."


When Mingzhu heard Yun Yi's words, she seemed to have heard some big joke.

"Let all the Ming family be buried? President Yun, I'm afraid you still don't know the identity of the woman you like, and who is it?"

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