After Yun Yi finished speaking, he hung up without waiting for the old **** over there to reply.

With Mingzhu's ability, it is difficult for her to hide someone from him in S City without being discovered.

Otherwise, she herself would not be caught by him so easily.

The only possibility is that the face has been taken away by Mingzhu in the first place and taken out of City S.

Now, he directly released to Ming Shengru that Ming Zhu was caught by him. No matter where Ming Zhu hid people, Ming Shengru would definitely contact Ming Zhu's people in order to save her.

This is currently the fastest way to save face.

Raising his hand violently, he slammed it **** the table in front of him.

Face, wait for me!

the other side.

When Yan Yan woke up again, his body was sturdy with a rope, and a rag was stuffed in his mouth.

Opening his heavy eyes, there was a dark cabin in front of him.

The curtains were pulled tightly, and I couldn't see when the sky was outside.

She was thrown on the hard floor at the moment, leaning against the wall, curled up in a corner of the room.

Trying hard, struggling, but there is no strength at all.

In order to prevent her from regaining her superpower to escape, Mingzhu asked her to inject large amounts of anesthetic into her body every once in a while.

And because of the loss of superpowers, her body originally became worse and worse, and now, she didn't even have the strength to move her fingers.

She had no other choice but to wait at the moment.

It should have been two days since she disappeared, and that fool Yun Yi didn't know what it would be like in a hurry.

Thinking that he had to follow her to the door during this period of time even when she went to the bathroom, the corners of his lips couldn't help but a smile for fear that she would run away.

Even if separated, even in such a bad situation, with him in my heart, I still feel warm and happy to be fearless.

However, Mingzhu must have already told Yun Yi her identity at this time.

I don't know how Yun Yi will react, will he accept her?

Thinking wildly in my mind, there was a sudden sound of neat footsteps outside the door.

It sounds like a well-trained face, his face tightened, is Yun Yi here?

She was worried, and she heard footsteps suddenly stop at the door.

There was a loud applause.

Immediately afterwards, a roar that almost suffocated his face suddenly sounded outside the door.

"What do I want you to do with her? Mingzhu is ignorant, so are you ignorant with her?

What is the current situation in Beijing you don't know?

The current situation of the Ming family is extremely unfavorable, and the Chen family is now waiting for an excuse to put the grievances with the Ming family on the table.

I have vehemently warned that before I found Mingjing and reached a joint alliance with the Mohist school, I would not do anything about it.

You dare to catch Yun Yi's woman and bring it back to the capital.

Want to die? Still tired of living? "

"Minister, I know." The person who had been following Mingzhu before and advising her replied.

"Know that you dare to do this? Liu Cheng, you are not brave." Ming Shengru said angrily.

"Minister, you will understand why I cooperated with the young lady to arrest her after you went in and saw her."

After the man finished speaking, the door of the room clicked and opened from the outside.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the room was slowly pushed open, and a beam of dazzling sunlight shone in from outside the door and hit Rong Yan.

The face lowered his head subconsciously, avoiding the dazzling light.

The sound of steady footsteps sounded, slowly walking towards her.

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