"Well, Uncle Ming don't worry, I will send her back on time in the evening." Mo Shaonan replied with a smile.

"Mingjing has just returned, and there are many things that are still uncomfortable, so take care of it." Ming Shengru smiled like a kind father.

Mo Shaonan restrained his excitement, "I know."

Ming Shengru nodded with a smile, and then took Su Yao into the car.

With Shen Rong in his hands, he was not worried that his face would not listen to what he said to Mo Shaonan.

After watching the two of them get in the car and leave, Gentleman Mo Shaonan opened the car door and smiled and made a please gesture to his face.

Rong Yan lifted her leg into the car, the expression on her face finally couldn't stretch anymore.

Mo Shaonan saw that her face was not good after getting in the car, and asked concerned, "Mingjing, what's the matter with you? Are you feeling well?"

"It's okay."

Rong Yan shook his head and turned to look out of the car window.

Mo Shaonan only thought that she had really forgotten the past and was not familiar with him, so she didn't know how to get along with him.

Said thoughtfully, "You must be tired from attending the press conference just now. Take a break first, and I will call you when I get somewhere."

"Can you help me find a place to change my clothes first."

Yan Yan asked in a low voice.

Mo Shaonan glanced at her dress, "Okay, I was negligent."

"Thank you." Rong Yan said thank you, leaning against the car window, closing his eyes tiredly.

Mo Shaonan looked at the people in the reflection obsessively through the reflection on the car window.

I haven't seen her in ten years, she is more beautiful than before.

Looking at the strange distance between the two, I couldn't help but feel even more distressed.

Had it not been for her sudden disappearance ten years ago, they would have been married and had children by now.

Fortunately, after ten years, she finally came back.

They meet again, and she will still be his wife.

The car quickly stopped in front of a luxury women's clothing store.

Rong Yan and Mo Shaonan got out of the car and walked in.

The press conference had just been held, and almost everyone in the capital saw it.

At this moment, seeing the two entering the store, the salespersons in the store were instantly excited.

Passionately stepped forward to say hello, "Miss Ming, Shao Mo."

Mo Shaonan nodded slightly, "Bring all the latest clothes from your store this season."

He has missed her for too many years and wants to make up for all that he owed in the past.

Everyone in the shop immediately took the clothes and stood in a row in the shop happily, letting their faces choose.

A group of people twittered praised her for being beautiful.

Rong Yan was not in the mood to greet them at the moment, so she picked out a set of clothes and went directly to the fitting room.

At last she reached a place where she was alone, without pretending to be strong in front of outsiders, without wearing a false smile.

Sitting down weakly holding his clothes, tears poured out almost instantly.

"Young Master Mo, your fiancee is really beautiful. You are a match made in heaven. I wish you a happy marriage."

"Thank you." Mo Shaonan's voice was smiling.

"Young Master Mo, you are so petting Miss Ming, she must be the happiest woman in Beijing."


Outside the fitting room, the voices of those salespersons kept coming in.

Rong Yan felt that every word was a knife that could kill people without seeing blood.

Thinking of Yun Yi, I couldn't breathe with heartache.

She didn't dare to cry, she could only bite her palm with her hand.

Let the tears flow freely on his face.

Yun Yi, sorry! Yun Yi, Yun Yi...

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