Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3284: Crazy for love

Rong Yan Qiang held back the tears that he wanted to well in his eyes, slightly **** his hands, and struggling away from Yun Yi's hands.

He took a slight breath and tried to say in a calm voice, "Sorry, President Yun, I can't go back with you."

Yun Yi looked at her empty hand in disbelief, and violently raised her hand and grabbed her shoulder.

"Why? Rongyan, tell me, did the old Ming Shengru force you? Or did he threaten you with something? Tell me, I killed him."

"No, I want to stay."

Yan Yan looked down at the feet of the two people standing close to each other on the ground, and replied with difficulty.

Yun Yi was too impulsive. If Ming Shengru didn't worry that she hadn't officially married Mo Shaonan, he would definitely not be able to get out of here safely with the shot that Yun Yi fired just now.

Even if you forcibly break out, you have to pay the price of blood.

"Look at me and answer." Yun Yi raised his hand and pinched her chin, forcing her to look at him.

Rong Yan bit her lower lip hard and raised her eyes to look at him.

"I didn't remember my identity before, and I didn't know it until Mingzhu caught me.

I wanted to go home a long time ago. Although Mingzhu hurt me miserably, I still have my identity back.

I am very satisfied with my current life. I have family, my own identity, and a fiance who loves me deeply.

You and Chen Jun are enemies of our Ming family, why should I go back with you? "

Yun Yi couldn't help but squeeze her shoulders with his hands, gritted his teeth, "I love your fiance so much? Then what are I and Mango?"

Yan Yan looked at him calmly, "Yun Yi, are you sure you love me, not my face?

You and I know how much you hated me before. But it's because my face has recovered and there is Huo Si Ting, you feel it is a pity.

It feels uncomfortable to feel that something that originally belonged to you has been taken away by another man.

This is not love.

Similarly, I don't love you either.

I accepted you only because I wanted to avenge you, I wanted to wait for your love and my love to die, and then dump you.

Makes you painful, makes you sad.

Now I succeeded. So, there is no need to stay by your side anymore. "

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it." Yun Yi roared with red eyes.

Squeezing her hand, almost crushing her shoulder.

Yan Yan tried to endure the pain, "I have said everything that should be said. If you don't believe it, I can't help it.

If Mr. Yun is okay, he can leave, and I have to go upstairs to rest. "

Yun Yi turned her around and walked outside.

He didn't believe it, he didn't believe a word of his face.

He wants to take her home, and Little Mango is still waiting for them at home.

After he went back, he wanted to take her to get married immediately. From then on, no one could covet her.

"Stop him, if he wants to take the lady out forcibly, shoot directly." Ming Shengru slowly said.

As soon as his voice fell, more than a dozen people in black emerged in an instant.

Looking up, he saw the snipers upstairs who were ready in all directions.

Dozens of gunpoints faced Yun Yi at the same time.

A heart tightened instantly.

She knew that Yun Yi had been specially trained, and that he was not afraid of these people.

But after all, he is a body of flesh and blood, and she still has the right to make him hurt again for her.

Raising his hand and pushing Yun Yi, he forcibly broke away from his hands.

(After busying the past few days, I will try to update as much as possible, thank you babies for your understanding and support, refills~)

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