The face was holding Yun Yi in his arms, without even looking at him.

Ming Shengru looked at the people around him, suppressing the anger in his heart in a low voice.

"Don't forget, your mother is still in my hands. If you don't want her to die, she will immediately go back and change her clothes and continue the engagement ceremony."

Rong Yan looked up at him and looked at him with hatred, "Ming Shengru, whether it is my mother or Yun Yi today, if any of them dies, I will take you to die together."

The ambulance rushed over quickly, and Rong Yan got into the ambulance with the emergency personnel.

Ming Shengru's face was so gloomy. Today, he has banned so many people. If his face does not go back now, he and the entire Ming family will become a national joke.

Just as he was about to move forward, Mo Shaonan took a step forward and stopped him.

the other side.

When Yun Yi was sent to the hospital, Xiao Chen and the others had already got the news and rushed over.

Seeing the person covered with blood, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a headache. He didn't understand. He just went to grab a marriage. How could he grab himself like this?

This group of people really looked at him and tossed themselves one by one.

Stepping forward, I couldn't help but pulled Rongyan's wrist, checked her pulse, and after confirming that she was not injured, she changed clothes and disinfected and entered the emergency room.

Ye Wuge glanced at his bloodied and desolate face outside the operating room, "Miss Ming, do you want to change clothes first? We are here, and Yun Yi will be fine."

The face did not seem to have heard it, but just stood there blankly.

Ye Wuge shrugged his shoulders to Yuntian, and shut his mouth with interest.

After seeing the bruise on Rongyan's leg, he called the doctor.

Rong Yan stood there looking straight at the emergency room, not even blinking his eyes.

The doctor had to go forward and squat down to cooperate with her, and probably treated her wound first.

The first aid lasted for three hours, and his face stood in front of the emergency room, without moving a bit, just looking at the bright blood on his body and his hands.

The lights on the emergency room went out, the door was opened from inside, and Xiao Chen came out first.

However, the expression on his face is extremely heavy.

Looking at his heavy expression, his heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

The hand on his side was held and held again, and he took a slight breath. Then he stepped forward, trembling slightly, and asked nervously, "How is he?"

Xiao Chen sighed, looked at her and shook his head.

Rong Yan's body couldn't help but swayed in place, and said with difficulty, "What do you...shake your head mean?"

Seeing that Xiao Chen didn't speak, he slammed his arm, "He is okay, right? You tell me, is he okay anymore."

Xiao Chen raised his other hand and patted her shoulder, and said sadly, "Miss Ming, sorry.

Yun Yi is my friend, and I'm very sad that he is like this now. However, I have tried my best. "

As he said, he raised his hand and wiped the corner of his eyes, "Before he went to the hotel, we were drinking together. At that time, he said that even if he died, he would take you away and be with you.

I didn't expect it to be so fast...

He can finally fall in your arms, which is his last wish.

Go in and see him for the last time! "

Rong Yan only felt like she was being blasted by five thunders, a roar in her ears.

What does he mean?

What is the last wish?

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