Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3318: The little mango shows off (1)

Seeing Rong Yan and Yun Yi coming together, the little guy ran over excitedly and hugged Rong Yan's legs.

Two big eyes looked at her brightly, "Mother, is your business over? Are you coming back to find me?"

Rong Yan bent over to pick him up, shook his head, "The matter is not over yet."

Little Mango's big shiny eyes dimmed in an instant, and he pouted his mouth and said, "Oh, do you want to go back then?"

Rong Yan kissed his little cheek distressedly, "Mom came back to find you, and will stay with you forever and never go back again."

"Really?" Little Mango's dark eyes lit up again.

"En." The face nodded.

"What did you come back to find him? Obviously, you came back to find me. Your mother was backed by my life. You can just stay with me."

Yun Yi stepped forward dissatisfied, and took the little mango from his face with one hand.

Little Mango angrily rushed over to punch and kick him, "Mom came back to find me, not you, a scumbag."

Yun Yi stared, "Little bastard, I think you are really looking for a beating, don't think I can't take care of you with one arm."

Seeing that the young and the young were about to fight, his face felt a headache and stroked his forehead, "Enough, Yun Yi, how old are you?"

"Twenty-seven." Yun Yi replied directly, pretending to not understand.


The face stepped forward and directly pulled Yun Yi aside, and said to Little Mango, "Guoguo, didn't you say that you could sense the existence of superpowers before?"

Little Mango nodded, "Is Mom looking for someone?"

"Well, grandma may be in Ming's house now, and my mother needs your help now to find out if there is a superpower in the Ming's house in Jingcheng, okay?"

"of course."

Little Mango shrugged, "Mom come with me."

He took Rong Yan and ran to a laboratory on the other side, and then people called Xiao Yining over.

Outside the fully transparent laboratory, you can see all kinds of sophisticated instruments inside.

After the two little guys put on special equipment, Little Mango turned his head and smiled at his face.

"Mom, wait outside. Brother Ningning and I will go in. It will be fine in a while."

Rong Yan touched his little head and turned to Xiao Yining and asked, "Is there really no problem? Will it be too far away?"

Although possessing super powers will bring endless troubles to themselves, it is more troublesome for those with super powers to lose super powers.

She didn't want to lose her superpower due to excessive consumption, and it would happen to Little Mango again.

"Aunt Rong, don't worry, I will not let Little Mango have trouble." Xiao Yining looked at her and replied.

Although there was still childishness on his face, the firm and confident eyes and powerful words made people believe him involuntarily.

Yan Yan nodded, then let the two little guys in.

Yun Yi stepped forward and held out the person in her arms, and kissed her on the forehead, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

In the laboratory, Xiao Yining turned to look at Little Mango, "With your current ability, this distance is indeed far away."

Little Mango has great potential, but he is still too small now, and it is a miracle to have the current ability.

"It doesn't matter, Brother Ningning, I can." Little Mango said firmly.

Obviously, before Rong Yan would return to the Ming family and marry Mo Shaonan, it was all related to her grandma.

In order for the three of them to be together, in any case, he must help his mother and rescue his grandma.

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