I was tossed by Yun Yi again before, and my stomach was grumbled from hunger.

This is the beach, and I don't know where the **** went to see the beauty.

Putting his mouth down, he just got up from the bed.

After going to the bathroom to wash up, he changed into a long skirt and went out.

The sun is just right, the breeze is not dry, and many tourists are relaxing in the sun on the beach, making people feel happy.

With a smile on her face, she walked towards the restaurant.

The sand house was not far from the restaurant, but after ten minutes, the face had already passed by.

From a distance, I saw Yun Yi working with a group of people.

Under the eyes, a cold light flashed in the hands of those people, and their faces instantly lifted their hearts.

He quickly walked towards Yun Yi under his feet.

Over there, Yun Yi raised his foot and kicked the last little ruffian in front of him, and hurriedly looked down at the food in his hand.

Fortunately, the lunch box is still intact, even a drop of soup has not spilled out.

"President Yun, are you okay? Are you injured?" Wen Luoluo stepped forward hurriedly and asked concerned.

Yun Yi pursed his lips, "It's okay, I'm leaving now."

He would shoot today because of his appearance, even if this person is not Wen Luoluo, he will still shoot.

What's more, he is now with the face, and he has no intention of saying anything to Wen Luo Luoduo.

Wen Luoluo was about to speak and say something more, but he saw the little **** who had been kicked to the ground by Yun Yi before getting up from the ground, rushing towards Yun Yi with a dagger in his hand.

She knew that Yi Yunyi's skill would definitely be able to hide, but she finally met Yun Yi again after hard work, this must be the opportunity God gave her.

Let her just give up like this, she is not reconciled.

Biting his lower lip, he shouted, "Yun Yi be careful."

Using his hand, he slammed Yun Yi away, and then blocked him behind him.

When the little **** got up from the ground, Yun Yi had already noticed that dealing with this kind of little role was naturally not a problem for him.

It's just that he didn't expect that Wen Luoluo would suddenly come out like this.

The lunch box that he had been holding was also pushed by Wen Luoluo and dropped directly to the ground, frowning, turning his waist, raising his leg, and kicking it directly onto the little bastard's abdomen.

The dagger slashed across Wen Luoluo's arm, and then fell to the ground with a crash.

The little **** was kicked to the ground, and when he saw it, he didn't dare to rush over again, and hurriedly got up from the ground and ran.

Wen Luoluo's face was pale, and the blood on his arm was flowing out along the scratches before.

But he raised his hand to cover it, gritted his teeth to endure the pain, stepped forward and asked Yun Yi, "Mr. Yun, are you not injured?"

Yun Yi didn't say a word, and frowned when he looked at the lunch box that had fallen on the ground.

Rong Yan was still hungry in the hotel waiting for him to go back. It was all right now. He was not afraid of trouble to go back and buy again, only worried that he would starve the little woman.

Wen Luoluo was unwilling to see Yun Yi ignoring her, and was about to speak, but from the corner of his eyes he saw that the face was not far away looking at this side.

With a sound of "Ah", his body fell straight toward Yun Yi.

Yun Yi twisted his eyebrows and hurriedly reached out to support her.

What Wen Luoluo was waiting for was now, and took the opportunity to crooked directly into Yun Yi's arms.

Struggling to get up, but before he could stand up in the future, he fell on Yun Yi again.

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