He is willing to give everything for her, even regardless of life and death, to offend the whole world!

She is not qualified to refuse such a man.

My heart is full of emotion and happiness.

Seeing the man kneeling in front of him with a little nervousness in his eyes, but a arrogant face, his face couldn't help but smile, and said deliberately.

"What? How can someone propose to marry me with a firefly instead of a ring? This is too perfunctory."

Yun Yi stared at her dissatisfiedly, "Where is it perfunctory, I'm so creative, I quickly promised that the little lantern is about to fly away."

The face cast his lips to look at him, and deliberately kept silent.

Yun Yi was anxious, and stood up from the ground quickly, "Are you going to regret it? Don't you want to marry me? If you want a ring..."

Affected by the movement of his getting up, the firefly that stayed on her ring finger trembled and began to flutter its wings.

At the last second of the firefly taking off, the face finally sneered and opened his mouth, "Okay."

"What did you say? Say it again." Yun Yi looked at her stupidly.

He smiled, "Okay, I am willing."

"say it again."

"I am willing to marry you."

"say it again."

"Rong Yan is willing to marry Yun Yi as his wife, and will never be separated for generations to come."

Yun Yi fiercely stretched out his hand and hugged the person tightly in his arms.

The sturdy arms locked her tightly like an iron lock, unwilling to be separated by the slightest bit.

She could feel his heart beating with excitement and joy on the chest where the two were close to each other.

The corners of his lips curled up, and he raised his hand and patted his back lightly, this fool.

How could she reject him.

Yun Yi hugged her, and after a long time, he finally opened his mouth somewhat aggrieved, "You scared me to death, I thought you regretted it."

Although the two of them already had a small mango, even though they knew she was probably only teasing him on purpose.

But at the moment when she saw her hesitate, a heart still couldn't help but hang high.

He has done too many **** things before, and he is really scared, afraid that she will go back on it.

Rong Yan smiled and raised his head and kissed the corner of his lips, "I don't regret it, I will never regret it in my life."

Yun Yi twisted his eyebrows, "I just said that it will last for generations."

With a sneer on his face, the **** suddenly became naive.

I had to follow him and said, "Okay, then it will last forever."

Yun Yi was satisfied now, lowered his head and sucked her lips, entangled fiercely for a long time.

Fireflies were flying in the sky, and the small green lanterns flickered and then disappeared.

Yun Yi raised his hand to pick up a small lamp from the side seat and put it in Rong Yan's hand, then turned it on, with her hand in front of the lamp with her other hand to cover it from time to time.

Red lights flashed from time to time in the night, and as the lights flashed in her hand, groups of small green lanterns flew up from the mangroves on both sides.

Such as the sky full of green stars twinkling, so beautiful.

Rong Yan smiled and turned his head, put his arm around Yun Yi's neck, and proactively kissed him on his tiptoe.

"Thank you, thank you for showing me such a beautiful scenery, thank you for giving me such a beautiful memory, thank you for everything you gave me, thank you for loving me."

Yun Yi hugged her proudly, "For the sake of your sincerity, then I will reluctantly accept your thanks."

He said so reluctantly, but the excitement and joy on his face is hard to conceal.

Rong Yan smiled and clenched a fist and hammered him, then squatted back into his arms.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of me, I strive to engrave everything deeply in my heart.

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