Rong Yan's hand pressed hard, and directly stretched out his hand to open the door in front of him.

I saw that the opposite room door opened, and several media reporters all rushed into the opposite room with cameras in their hands.

The flash kept clicking and clicking.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream of a woman in the room.

"Ah, who are you? Get out, you all get out."

"Miss Wen, if you dress like this with a strange man, is this man your boyfriend?"

"Miss Wen, are you and this gentleman dating each other on the premise of getting married?"

"Ms. Wen, we have previously received news that you and President Yun are dating here. May I ask if you have broken up with President Yun, are you looking for a new love?"

"Get out, you all get out, I don't want to see you." Wen Luoluo screamed.


Rong Yan folded her hands on her chest, raised her eyebrows and looked at Yun Yi, "I wonder how many old loves Yun always has?"

Looking at the situation in front of him, Yun Yi could almost guess most of it without his face.

It must be Wen Luoluo who did something in the middle, but she was seen through by her face, and in turn calculated her.

This hateful Wen Luoluo, he had always known before, that Wen Luoluo followed him for money and to get good resources.

But at the time, he was just trying to get angry with his face, and the two of them took what they needed, so he didn't care.

He couldn't think of how this damned woman would dare to calculate him like that.

They are now abroad, and the media are all domestic. Obviously someone deliberately attracted them.

Today, if it wasn't for his face to see through in advance, then at this moment, in the room opposite, he was the one who was caught lying with Wen Luoluo by the reporter.

His face was extremely ugly for an instant, and he stretched out his hand and walked towards the opposite side.

Without waiting for her face to react, she said directly, "Sorry, the woman in front of you has nothing to do with me."

Those reporters turned around hurriedly and saw Yun Yi, and they all rushed over immediately.

"President Yun, you mean that you and Miss Wen have never been a boyfriend or girlfriend?"

"President Yun, are you here to date this woman next to you?"

"Mr. Yun, may I ask the Ming family eldest who was going to be engaged to Young Master Mo before?"

A reporter immediately recognized his face with sharp eyes.

Yan Yan's heart was tight, even though her marriage contract with Mo Shaonan had been terminated, Mo Shaonan also chose to forgive her.

But this is only a private matter. The Ming family and the Chen family, and the Mo family are still fighting secretly.

If the matter between her and Yun Yi were exposed, it would be equivalent to tearing everyone's face straight.

The fights of several big families in the dark will also be forcibly moved to the light.

She just wanted to teach Wen Luoluo a lesson today, and she didn't think about making it public with Yun Yi.

He turned his head hurriedly, "Sorry, you have admitted the wrong person."

He glared at Yun Yi and turned around to leave, but Yun Yi pulled people into his arms, and in front of all the media, he directly bowed his head and kissed her.

The media all exclaimed in an instant, the camera turned around, and immediately started shooting frantically at the two of them.

With a small face so hot that she can boil water, she hurriedly stretched out her hand to push him.

Yun Yi didn't care at all, forcibly confined people in his arms, and kissed him without scruples.

Then he let go of her, raised his hand and took out a small box from his pocket to open it.

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