"After Yun Yi knows, he won't forgive me anyway. Even if he doesn't marry you, he will definitely break up with me.

Miss Wen, your wishful thinking is really good. Don't blame me for being cruel to you. I just protect myself and return all the things you designed me to yourself.

You calculated me and Yun Yi so many times before, this time it is a lesson for you.

If you have to blame, then you can only blame yourself for inferior skills. "

Wen Luoluo curled up on the ground in pain, gritted his teeth, and resisted the pain in his body.

He raised his head to face his face and said, "I want to know, where did I go wrong."

Everything was carefully calculated by her, how could something go wrong and be seen through by the face in advance?

The face raised his eyebrows, "When you want to count people in the future, first find out who the other party is, and don't use these bad tricks again and again.

You have the mind to calculate people here, so it's better to go out and study and give yourself some knowledge and insight, so that it won't be so miserable in the future. "

The circle of celebrities in Beijing, outsiders seem to be a very high-end, very elegant circle that they want to step into.

But only those who are in it know that it is a cannibalistic place.

Although she had left the Ming family in Beijing since she was a teenager, she had seen enough and heard enough in the previous years.

The wrists of those ladies are definitely not comparable to Wen Luoluo.

This is not the first time Wen Luoluo has calculated them, and it was only because she and Yun Yi had their own knots that they fell into her plan.

Yun Yi glanced at Wen Luoluo on the ground coldly, "Don't show up in front of me in the future, otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

After speaking, he directly pulled the face back to their room.

He hugged the person back to the bed, bowed his head to kiss her, but his face raised his hand and pushed his head away.

Raised an eyebrow and said, "President Yun, do you want to explain to me in advance, how many old love do you have?

In this way, I will be prepared for it in the future, lest I don’t know when I will be calculated. "

Yun Yi cheered up and kissed her neck, "No, you are the only person I love in this life."

The face snorted, pushed him away, turned to the bed and turned over to lie down, "You don't talk to me these sweet words, you are not allowed to go to bed tonight, go to bed, go to the floor."

She has always known that Yun Yi was a **** before and had many women.

She had seen many such dudes in the capital, so she didn't feel much about Yun Yi's actions before.

But after really being with him, not only did he meet his ex-girlfriend, he was also calculated like this. Thinking of the women who had been with him in the past, it was impossible for him to really not care at all.

Perhaps this is the difference between love and not love.

Yun Yi knew that she was not really angry, but she also knew that she was really uncomfortable in her heart.

Step forward, lie down beside her, and hug the person into his arms from behind.

Rong Yan bent his elbow and bumped him back, "Who asked you to come up, go down."

However, Yun Yi used his hands to hold people tighter.

Pursing her lower lip, she said in her ear, "I'm sorry, I didn't know I would meet you.

Once, I thought it was a big trouble finding a wife to get married, so I never thought about which woman I would live with, let alone step into the palace of marriage. "

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