Xiao Moli's face was gloomy, and he pulled her wrist and touched her pulse.

He drove to the hospital directly with the person in his car and had a full body checkup.

The result of the examination was quickly delivered to him. Except for the huge shock to his body, which caused some shocks to the internal organs, the others were fine, and there was no harm.

Xiao Moli looked at the test result in his hand, his eyes almost breathed out fire.

If it was said that it was uncertain whether the disappearance of the face was related to the Ming family, then it is now certain that Ming Shengru must be behind the scenes.

And the red light that hit An Ziqi just now was obviously a very aggressive superpower.

Fortunately, when Xiao Yining was at home before, he took back an anti-super ability device and used it as a toy for Xiao Ai.

When he left the house just now, he put on An Ziqi just in case, otherwise she just blocked it, and she was afraid that she would have no life.

Ming Shengru really felt that he didn't die fast enough!

"Okay, don't worry, I'm really fine, so go ahead."

An Ziqi gently shook his hand next to comfort him.

"It's okay? What does it mean to have something to do? Is it to wait for something to happen before you die?" Xiao Moli said angrily.

An Ziqi shook his hand and froze, and then smiled at him reluctantly, "I'm sorry, I worried you, I will pay attention to it later."

Looking at her reddish eyes and forced smile, Xiao Moli panicked instantly, and hurriedly reached out and hugged the person into his arms.

"I'm sorry, An An, I'm sorry, I'm just too scared, I didn't deliberately want to yell at you, I want to lose my temper at you."

An Ziqi raised her hand and patted his back lightly, "It's okay, I know."

The more sensible she is, the more uncomfortable Xiao Moli feels, "The red light would be fatal, if it weren't for the thing I put on you before, you are now..."

As long as he thinks about the consequences, he will not want to live, he can't bear it.

"So, I'm worried about you too." An Ziqi stretched out her hand to embrace him and whispered.

Some of him worried that she would have the same, and she couldn't bear the consequences either.

I was dizzy before my eyes, and tried to swallow the Xingtian in the roar, "Mo Li, you call Xiao Chen and ask him to help find his face."

As long as Xiao Chen returned to Longyuan, no one except Xiao Moli and Daddy Mommy could find him.

Otherwise, Yun Yi would not call them in the middle of the night.

"En." Xiao Moli let go of her and immediately took out the phone and called Xiao Chen.

The guy was obviously sleeping too, Xiao Moli hung up the phone after talking about the situation.

Turning his head, he saw An Ziqi was already asleep, with a pale face, pursed lips, lay down beside her, and carefully hugged the person into his arms.

the other side.

After Yun Yi called, he immediately transferred all the monitoring in the VIP waiting room to the airport monitoring room.

What was unusual was that after calmly stepping into the waiting room, the monitoring screen inside was blank and there was nothing.

The door of the waiting room was never opened, and the surrounding surveillance did not capture any abnormal images. She seemed to disappear out of thin air, and disappeared directly in the VIP waiting room.

Standing in front of the waiting room, Yun Yi looked at the suitcases of the two people inside, almost crushing the phone in his hand.

(It’s the last day of the month. If you have a monthly pass, you can vote quickly. If you don’t vote, it will expire. The recommended monthly pass will come all over me. Love you, what do you think~)

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