Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3372: She finally came back (3)

I don't know how long it has passed, and the chaotic superpowers in the entire corridor finally gradually disappeared.

His hollow eyes finally slowly recovered his clarity, and seeing the little mango close at hand, I just felt as if I had had a long dream.


Little Mango looked at her uncertainly and yelled cautiously.

His face was sour, and he hurriedly reached out and hugged him, "I'm here."

Yun Yi walked over from the other side with difficulty, stepping forward and holding the big and small in front of him tightly into his arms.

He said in a hoarse voice, "You are finally back."

The tears in Yan Yan's eyes fell uncontrollably, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Yun Yi smiled tiredly, "I will say sorry, it seems that you have really come back."

He laughed and coughed, coughing up a few drops of blood.

Yan Yan grabbed her heart tightly in an instant, and said in a flustered voice, "Yun Yi, what's wrong with you Yun Yi?"

"It's okay, it's just a small injury." Yun Yi's face was extremely pale, but the smile on his face was unprecedentedly brilliant.

Rong Yan knew that she must have hurt him. Yun Yi just didn't want her to feel guilty, so that's why she said that, her eyes became even hotter.

The look on Yun Yi's face changed in an instant, "Face, be careful."

With fierce force in his hand, he pulled the face and the little mango into his arms, and then directly blocked them with his broad back.

After a muffled "bang", Yun Yi's body instantly tightened.

"Yun Yi."

The face yelled, and sharply raised his head to look at Ming Shengru.

This old fox obviously knew that he was completely finished, and he had to put on a back cushion when he died.

Feng Ming didn't expect that there would be a gun hidden in his body, and he had escaped their detection, too late to stop it.

"Bang Bang" two gunshots were heard, and he saw the gun in his hand hitting Yun Yi and Xiao Mango again.

The face gritted his teeth and raised his hand with a fierce wave. The two bullets flying in the air turned a corner and shot towards Ming Shengru.

The bullet accurately shot into his chest, and blood splashed out.

Ming Shengru fell to the ground with a scream, but his body was still struggling to crawl outside.

Rong Yan looked at Ming Shengru, who was dragging his blood in front of him, crawling outside in embarrassment.

From birth to now, she had never seen Ming Shengru in such a panic.

He is her biological father, and he was pampered by her when he was young.

Their family once had a happy and beautiful time.

Seeing what he looks like now, I can't help but sigh.

She didn't know what changed Ming Shengru, making him selfish and ruthless.

He even did not hesitate to do such cruel things to his wife and daughter.

Thinking of Shen Rong's torture in the past two decades, thinking of the things he threatened her to do, thinking of his harm to Yun Yi and Xiao Mango.

The hatred in Rong Yan's eyes grew stronger and stronger, and when he raised his hand, the gun that Ming Shengru had dropped before came directly into her hand.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, closed his eyes, and applied force with his hands, "boom boom boom boom" until after all the bullets in the gun were used up, the surroundings finally calmed down completely.

Rong Yan threw the gun in his hand directly, didn't look up again, and helped Yun Yi to get up from the ground with difficulty.

The people around also got up busy, stepped forward to take Yun Yi from her, and hurried to the outside of the hotel.

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