Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3379: Suffocating operation

Rong Yan reluctantly opened his eyes, curled his mouth to look at him, "How about tomorrow?"

Every time the **** Yun Yi asked her to be like he hadn't eaten it in decades, he tossed her to death.

She is really tired and sleepy.

"Not good." Yun Yi refused directly, moving his hands unfaithfully, and bowed his head again to kiss her.

The face begged for a long time, and acted like a baby for a long time, but finally couldn't bear it, gritted his teeth and thought, a huge force directly pushed Yun Yi away and pushed it to the ceiling.

The body suddenly lightened, and the whole person completely relaxed. Without looking at the person hanging from the ceiling at the moment, he closed his eyes, pulled the quilt and turned over and fell asleep deeply.

Yun Yi was hung on the ceiling, and after a long daze, he finally recovered from the shock.

He was half done and he was hung on the ceiling by his wife! ! !

What suffocating operation is this?

A cool breeze blew in along the gap in the window, and Yun Yi felt chilly all over his body.

The forehead couldn't help but drop the black line straight.

"Hey, wife, let me go down quickly, wife."

"I was wrong, I dare not anymore, wife, wife."

"I'll listen to you. Whenever you say, let me go down..."


Rong Yan pulled the quilt under his head and turned over, and continued to sleep deeply.

the next morning.

When Yan Yan woke up, the sky was already bright, and when she squinted, she saw the dazzling sunlight coming in from outside the window.

Subconsciously reached out and touched the place next to him, it was already cold.

Unable to frown, where did Yun Yi this **** go early in the morning?

As if guessing her thoughts, a very sad voice sounded directly above her head.

"I am here."

Rong Yan opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Yun Yi hanging directly above the ceiling.

There are large dark circles around both eyes, and the grudge in the eyes is almost as real.

Rong Yan blinked, and finally slowly recalled everything that happened last night.

Seeing Yun Yi hanging on the ceiling, he couldn't help but sneered, tilted his head to see him and smiled, "How is it? Is the ceiling comfortable?"


Yun Yi answered honestly.

"Dare you still dare to do it in the future?" Rong Yan looked at him with a smile.

"Don't dare."

Yun Yi replied aggrievedly, who is so pitiful in this world who can't even sleep with his wife.

Yan Yan pursed his lips and smiled, got up and put on clothes slowly, and after washing in the bathroom, he finally put Yun Yi down from the ceiling.

Before he came forward, he chuckled and ran out of the house.

"Hurry up and wash, I'll be waiting for you at my mother's."

Through the window, Yun Yi looked at the back of his face leaving happily, and silently thought in his heart that it was time for Xiao Chen to make another anti-superpower device for him.

Otherwise, if something like this happened several times last night, he would probably be abandoned in his entire life!

He washed quickly and changed his clothes, then turned and went to the small courtyard where Shen Rong was.

It was still early. When he got there, Shen Rong, Xiao Mango, and Yan Yan were sitting at the table and preparing to eat breakfast.

Yun Yi stepped forward, consciously sat down beside Rong Yan, and shouted at Shen Rong cheeky, "Mom."


Shen Rong was directly choked by the soy milk that she had just put into her mouth.

She had never seen such a thick-skinned person in her life for most of her life.

She hasn't agreed to marry her daughter to him yet.

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